2008-10-02 Developers Conference Call


2 Octover (sic) 2008

In Attendance

  • Justin Miranda

  • Ben Wolfe

  • Brian McKown

  • Mike Seaton

  • Hamish Fraser

  • Burke Mamlin

  • Nyoman Ribeka

  • Dave Thomas


  • Progress on the new Trac site.

  • Set a date for the logic-a-thon.


  • Hamish asked Brian his opinion on how many people it takes to support OpenMRS on one site.

    • Does it require a Java programmer on site for every OpenMRS instance?

    • Goal is that a stable release will work properly and would not require a programmer to fix.

    • Consensus is that it is entirely possible to run OpenMRS without a programmer, but it requires a technical person.

      • This person could support several sites.

      • Requires knowledge of Apache Tomcat and be able to run MySQL scripts.

      • Infopath

        • MDR-TB will have direct physician entry whereas the rest of PIH implementations use forms.

        • AMRS in Kenya uses forms to enter encounters.

      • Easier to manage one central site as in Eldoret, Kenya than to manage several separate sites such as in Rwanda.

      • Requires programmers on site to roll out new features such as Sync branch.

  • Justin gave update on future dev.openmrs.org site.

    • Need an environment (host) that can be easily/quickly reached for support.

    • "Hitting a wall" with svn authentication.

    • The potential dev.openmrs.org host doesn't provide a 'home' directory, which is useful if not necessary.

    • Goal:

      • Subversion up and working via http within the next 48 hours or one week.

      • Justin will start e-mail conversation and copy Burke on it.

  • Waiting to contact Darius (currently in Cambodia) in order to set date for logic-a-thon.

    • Burke will send out a half-made e-mail about logic-a-thon.

    • Will need to take place in Indianapolis.

    • Maybe the day after AMIA Symposium?

  • OpenMRS 1.3.2 release

    • Couple more changes.

    • Should happen next week.

    • concept-name branch to be merged this week to trunk.