Patient Search Criteria

Patient Search Criteria


Primary mentor

@Kaweesi Joseph

Backup mentor

@Herbert Yiga

Assigned to

 @Rushikesh Chaudhari



Once a patient is created, the system allows retrieving them through either their patient id or name. coreapps has a client side approach to searching by gender and age once a name or id is entered more or less filter by the 2. This project aims at doing server side patient searching using any or more than one search criterias; such as name, id, gender, dob/age etc.



  • Good Java and JavaScript skills

  • Soft skills to interact with the community in order to gather requirements and technical feedback

Skills Needed

  • Java

  • JavaScript

  • HTML

  • CSS

  • Rest

  • MySQL

  • Good understanding of Spring framework and OpenMRS API

  • Lucene


  • Investigate possible usage of lucene in this project

  • Create PatientSearchCriteria supporting the 2 current ones id/name

  • Support search by gender

  • Support search by dob

  • Support search by either or all of id,name,age,dob

  • Add rest interface to interact with the search engine developed above

  • Add supported criterias onto the patient search page in reference application

Extra Credit

  • Reach out to the community and support any other search criterias besides age and gender of their preference.
