Reporting Module Release Notes 0.5.x

Version 0.5.4 released Mar 21, 2011


  • REPORT-38 Reporting module: Error message while deleting a parameter from an Indicator definition (author: mseaton)

  • REPORT-78 Deleting a parameter in a cohort indicator works, but redirects to the wrong URL (author: mseaton)

  • REPORT-152 Removing a cohort definition from a composition and submitting, redirects without the uuid in the url (author: mseaton)

  • REPORT-154 The DataSetDefinition management page should not show data export DSDs if reportingcompatibility is not started (author: mseaton)

  • REPORT-156 When mapping an age dimension, leaving maximum date empty leads to an error (author: mseaton)

  • REPORT-157 Unable to edit or delete searches added to a composition cohort (author: mseaton)

  • REPORT-159 Manage Data Set Definition privilege is inconsistent between config.xml and pages on which it is used (author: mseaton)

  • REPORT-164 Median with zero patients (author: dthomas)

  • REPORT-165 Median not accurate (author: dthomas)

  • REPORT-169 Program Workflow State in SimplePatientDataSetEvaluator is returning null (author: rcuckovich)

  • REPORT-192 Error in "Indicators over Time" when you choose a location with a large location_id (author: djazayeri)

New Features:

  • REPORT-9 Period Indicator Report Form should either sort automatically by column key or allow moving columns (author: mseaton)

  • REPORT-24 Period Indicator Report Form should allow editing column definitions (author: mseaton)

  • REPORT-104 Improvements to Preview Report and other Preview Dialogs (author: mseaton)

  • REPORT-148 SQL Data Set Definitions should support parameters (author: ribeka)

  • REPORT-160 Create a new DataSetDefinition containing indicators and dimensions, which does not require specifying all distinct combinations(author: mseaton)

  • REPORT-104 Encounter Cohort Query: Search for encounters by date_created (author: mseaton)

  • REPORT-177 Allow templates to be called something other than template.xls (confirm that this is actually the case) (author: mseaton)

Version released Feb 11, 2011


  • REPORT-150 in the month of February, something that should be "10 days ago" is displayed as "1 month ago" (author: djazayeri)

  • REPORT-151 Reporting omod file contains log4j.xml, which overrides the root logger (author: djazayeri)

Version released Feb 11, 2011


  • REPORT-149 NPEs due to missing parameters when evaluating CompositionCohortDefinition under some circumstances (author: mseaton)

Version released Feb 9, 2011


  • REPORT-76 Change imports on all pages to improve consistency with OpenMRS look and feel (author: djazayeri)

Version 0.5.3 released Feb 6, 2011


  • REPORT-147 Sometimes excel templates fail to calculate formulas (author: mseaton)

Version 0.5.2 (JIRA) released Jan 6, 2011


  • You must upgrade the serialization.xstream module to 0.2.5+ to be able to run this version of the Reporting module (or to version if you're using OpenMRS 1.5)

  • You should upgrade the logic module to version 0.5+ (which will be released in a few days) if you want Logic indicators to respect dates.

New features:

  • REPORT-111 Listing report definitions to run takes too long (author: djazayeri)

  • REPORT-116 Speed up reporting module by speeding up deserialization of reporting objects (author: djazayeri)

  • REPORT-117 Encounter Cohort Query should let you search for encounters by creator (author: cneumann)

  • REPORT-66 Allow CohortIndicators that use logic to set the LogicContext's indexDate (author: djazayeri)

  • REPORT-74 Option to abbreviate the coded answers in the column value (author: mseaton)

  • REPORT-112 renderIndicatorReportData could use some striping (author: Berchmas)



  • Fixing bug in reporting where "combining setEncounterTypeList with TimeModifier.LAST or TimeModifier.FIRST leads to a Hibernate ConstraintViolation (an obs subquery is not named and leads to an ambiguous voided column)" (author: cneumann)

Version 0.5.1


  • You need to upgrade the HTML Widgets module to version 1.5.6 in order to be able to run this version of the Reporting module

New features:

  • TRUNK-1837 Obs-related cohort queries should allow you to filter by encounter type


  • Version 0.5 was broken due to some javascript version conflicts. This version fixes that.

Version 0.5


  • Before upgrading to this version of the reporting module it is strongly recommended that you upgrade these modules:

  • Install this version of the Reporting Module

  • If you have any saved SQL Cohort Definitions the internal storage format has changed. You can automatically upgrade your saved definitions under "Fix Broken Definitions". (This requires the latest version of the Serialization Xstream module.)

New features:


  • Fixed handling of Date parameters to SQL Cohort Queries

  • Bug fixes to Cohort Expression Parser used in composition queries

  • TRUNK-1769: NullPointerException related to using the NOT operator in composition queries

  • TRAC-2397: Deleting definition metadata should prompt user to confirm

  • RPT-377: When editing cohort queries, you can't "deselect" a fixed value property

  • RPT-374: Need a Preview and Evaluation page for evaluating Dimensions on their own

  • TRAC-2394 - Unable to delete dimensions from a PeriodIndicatorReport - Error 404

  • Minor bug fix in data set evaluators if base cohort is empty

  • PWC6170: Validation error messages from TagLibraryValidator for c_rt ...

  • Display the label rather than the key in the mapping widget

  • Compiled against Java 1.5, so you should have no problems running this on OpenMRS 1.5 with Java 1.5

  • lots more!