Reporting Module Release Notes 0.8.x

Version 0.8.2 released March 14, 2014

Another reasonably large release, including over 40 resolved issues, primarily focused on improving and expanding the data definitions and converters available in the system.  Other highlights include significant refactoring to Excel export utilities, and significant additional API support of pre-built definition libraries, and several bug fixes.  Thanks to @Mike Seaton@Darius Jazayeri@Lech Rozanski@David Palacios, @Madawa Soysa@Aniketha Katakam@Jakub Kondrat@Krzysztof Kaczmarczyk@Cosmin Ioan, and @Łukasz Gąsior for their contributions.


Version 0.8.1 released January 2, 2014

This is a reasonably large release, including over 30 resolved issues, primarily focused on improving and expanding the data definitions and converters available in the system.  Other highlights include adding support for rendering a report with multiple data set definitions to a zip of csv files, improving the performance of evaluating patient data definitions by batching evaluations, adding profiling support to enable monitoring the performance of each definition evaluation, the addition of core interfaces and class to support pre-built definition libraries, and several bug fixes.  Thanks to @Darius Jazayeri@Mark Goodrich@Jeremy Keiper, and @Rowan Seymour in particular for their contributions.

Version 0.8 released September 26, 2013

This release contains the bulk of the GSoC 2103 project deliverables (thanks @David Palacios), including custom report design editor interfaces for each report renderer type.  It also contains a new ScriptedCompositionPatientDataDefinition, which allows you to combine several existing patient data definitions and a script that utilizes them to create a new Patient Data result.  Thanks to @Bailly Rurangirwa for that great addition.  It also contains several additional bug fixes and feature additions, courtesy of @Jeremy Keiper@Rowan Seymour, and @Mike Seaton