2016-05-02 Project Management Meeting

2016-05-02 Project Management Meeting


May 2, 2016


  • @Jamie Thomas

  • @Burke Mamlin

  • @Sri Maurya Kummamuru

  • @Wyclif Luyima

  • @Darius Jazayeri

  • @Daniel Kayiwa

Discussion items







1.12 Platform

@Bharat Akkinepalli

2.0 Platform

@Mayank Sharma

  • beta of 2.0 and having discussions of extending length of beta release for TW to add features in 1.x so they can make it into 2.0

  • While Platform 2.0 remains in beta, features added in 1.12 or in a 1.13 can be forward-ported to master & backported to 2.0, making these features available consistently from 1.x through master - want to make sure features added to 1.x do not disappear in 2.0 and then reappear in 2.1+.

2.4 Ref App

@James deGraft-Johnson

  • Still having issues with CIEL - https://talk.openmrs.org/t/ciel-duplicate-names-in-1-11-x-for-eparinn-gratel-in-ht-locale/5632

  • have work around for issue with CIEL and then it will be in the next version - so we have what we need to move forward with the release

  • @James deGraft-Johnson will reach out with module owners that still need to release. If he doesn't hear back from them in 24 hrs. then he will let @Sri Maurya Kummamuru, @Burke Mamlin and @Darius Jazayeri know so they can help.

2.5 Ref App


  • need to start thinking about what 2.5 will be

  • need to work with Hamish (OMRS Goal#2) and Jan (user needs)

Action items

@Darius Jazayeri will help to arrange conversation with @Angshuman Sarkar to align TW and OpenMRS Detailed Technical Roadmap - PM or separate time.
@Burke Mamlin need to frame out a conversation around Platform UI
@Jamie Thomas arrange dev forum on building blocks for Platform UI TW, PIH, KenyaEMR, AMPATH, Jan/MOZ Team, etc. - in the next few weeks.
@Sri Maurya Kummamuru will start discussion with @Burke Mamlin@Hamish Fraser and @Jan Flowers to start working on what 2.5 Ref App will look like so we can then find a release manager.