2016-09-29 Developers Forum

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  • Quickly review previous meeting minutes (5 min)
  • Uganda Implementers Meeting (OMRS16) Hackathon Planning
  • Review next meeting agenda


  • Jamie Thomas
  • Robert Moon
  • Stephen Musoke Senkomago
  • Daniel Kayiwa
  • Wyclif Luymia
  • Mehari K
  • Willa Mhawila
  • Uganda Implementers Meeting (OMRS16) Hackathon
Discuss different hackathon ideas for OMRS16 in Uganda - https://talk.openmrs.org/t/ideas-for-openmrs-conference-hackathon-2016/8148
3 buckets of ideas
  1. Community Priority Tickets 
  1. OWA for features in Legacy UI that are not in Ref App UI such as module management, etc 
  1. REST Web services issues and tools - can this be made simpler and easier to use
  • Want to have some time prior to the hackathon to help people with setting up SDK so they can run on multiple environments and be ready to go
  • Plan B to make sure we have access to wiki or JIRA if the go down - maybe keep a copy of the tickets somewhere
  • Would like to have dedicated internet for hackathon days
  • last two days of meeting (Sat and Sun)
  • people like the idea of having remote teams to work on hackathon projects - we should create a Google hangout or a chat room
  • Robert Moon (San Francisco) and Mehari K (Japan) specifically have intrest in having remote teams
  • think there is benefit to having things to do without JAVA Script it would help new users and be more inclusive
  • need to define what non-coders will be able to work on. usually documentation or testing
Next steps:
Stephen to get with Uganda meeting organizers to make sure there is dedicated internet for hackathon days
Make copy of JIRA tickets to have at hackathon in case wiki and JIRA go down
Stephen will talk to the planning committee about food
Next week: Radiology Module



  • Audio recording of the call: Listen online or download (available after the meeting)