2016-11-10 Developers Forum

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  • OpenMRS SDK Update
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  • Rafal
  • Darius
  • Burke
  • Tim
  • Daniel
  • Wyclif
  • Unknown Caller
  • Hundreds of downloads, ~70 active users
  • Being used by Rafał and SolDevelo team. Hoping everyone begins using and benefiting from it.
  • Rafal demonstrated basic SDK setup
  • How do new versions of Platform or RefApp get into SDK?
  • Whatever is deployed in the Maven repo is available. Will also search any other maven repos you have configured in settings.
  • Looks in BinTray for open web apps (OWAs).
  • Latest 4 releases are shown.
  • Any plans for MariaDB support?
  • Last time Rafał tested RefApp on MariaDB it did not succeed.
  • You can try it (manually).
  • No current plans to include MariaDB by default (at least until we're supporting it again in CI)
  • Does the SDK play well with jEnv <http://www.jenv.be> (allows easy control of Java version by folder on Mac, Linux, or Windows)?
  • Haven't used it.
  • Are there plans to include full Platform (including REST + OWA)?
  • Note: it asks if you want to set up "platform" vs "distribution", but "platform" *should* actually include REST and OWA modules. It doesn't. Should we file a bug for this?
  • Also, the "distribution" terminology here is not quite compatible with what we're calling Distributions at om.rs/distributions
  • Haven't done this yet, but plan to do this. Will need to distribute a distro.properties file with platform versions.
  • What is the format of the distro.properties file? Simple Java Properties format?
  • Simple java properties format.
  • Is it possible to do realtime debugging?
  • Not yet set up for development/debugging.
  • Hope to add by the end of the year.
  • Is there an SDK road map?
  • Not yet. Issues in JIRA project, but not a documented road map per se.
  • Managed by creating new versions in JIRA and assigning issues to that version.
  • Simplify service names in docker-compose.yml (e.g., "db", "distro" or "openmrs", ...).
  • DJ: I disagree with making them so short...
  • Burke: they are namespaced in a single docker-compose
  • Rafal: will need to check
  • Convention for docker-compose.yml is to use development settings and provide production.yml for production override.
  • i.e., docker-compose up -d -f production.yml
  • as an aside, this mentions Eclipse Luna, which is 2 Eclipse versions ago
  • (let's not get distracted from the main point here: we want people to use the SDK as the primary dev tool, but out documentation doesn't tell them to! so we need to invest some time in changing this)
  • Thanks SolDevelo for doing most of the SDK work!




  • Audio recording of the call: Listen online or download (available after the meeting)