Clinical Visit Form

Clinical Visit Form





Patient Details


Encounter date

␣␣-␣␣-␣␣␣␣ 📆

163137 Encounter start date/time

Encounter Provider




Encounter Location


Scheduled visit (boolean)

🔘 Yes

🔘 No

1246 Scheduled visit

Visit type

🔘 Express pharmacy pickup without clinician visit

🔘 Follow-up Visit, Regular

164181 Visit type

Population Category

🔘 General population

🔘 Key population

🔘 Priority population

166432 Study population type

Key Population Type

🔘 Intravenous drug user

🔘 Man who has sex with men

🔘 Prisoners

🔘 Sex worker

🔘 Transgender Persons

166433 Target population type

Priority Population Type

🔽 Adolescent Girls & Young Women

🔽 Client of sex worker

🔽 Fisher Folk

🔽 Long-distance truck driver

🔽 Migrant Workers

🔽 Non-intravenous drug user

🔽 Refugee

🔽 Uniformed Forces

🔽 Other

166433 Target population type

Complaints and History of Complaints


History of Presenting Complaints (obsGroup)

1727 Signs and symptoms

History of Presenting Complaints

1390 History of present illness

Chiel Complaint
☑️ Abdominal pain
☑️ Back pain
☑️ Chest pain
☑️ Cough
☑️ Chills
☑️ Confusion
☑️ Convulsions
☑️ Depression
☑️ Diarrhea
☑️ Discharge from Penis
☑️ Dizziness and Giddiness
☑️ Ear Problem
☑️ Epigastric pain
☑️ Excessive Sweating
☑️ Facial Pain
☑️ Fever
☑️ Flank Pain
☑️ Headache
☑️ Hearing Loss
☑️ Itching
☑️ Leg Pain
☑️ Loss of Appetite
☑️ Memory Loss
☑️ Lethargy
☑️ Mouth ulceration
☑️ Muscle pain
☑️ Nausea
☑️ Neck Pain
☑️ Night sweats
☑️ Numbness of Foot
☑️ Pain in Eye
☑️ Pain in Joint
☑️ Pain in pelvis
☑️ Pain in Scrotum
☑️ Pain of Breast
☑️ Painful Mouth
☑️ Rash
☑️ Red eye
☑️ Rectal discharge
☑️ Rhinitis
☑️ Seizure
☑️ Shortness of breath
☑️ Shoulder Pain
☑️ Sore throat
☑️ Swallowing Painful
☑️ Swollen Feet
☑️ Tremor
☑️ Urinary symptoms
☑️ Vaginal bleeding
☑️ Vaginal discharge
☑️ Vision difficulties
☑️ Vomiting
☑️ Weight loss

5219 Chief complaint

Specify other complaints


160531 Chief complaint (text)

Onset Date

␣␣-␣␣-␣␣␣␣ 📆

1730 Sign/symptom start date

Duration (Days)


1731 Sign/symptom duration

Chief complaint (text)


160531 Chief complaint (text)

Past Medication History


Past medical & Surgical history narrative


165095 General patient note

Current TPT/ TB Treatment


Currently on treatment for tuberculosis

🔘 Yes

🔘 No

🔘 Unknown

159798 Currently on tuberculosis treatment

Currently on tuberculosis prophylaxis treatment (TPT)

🔘 Yes

🔘 No

🔘 Unknown

166449 Currently taking tuberculosis prophylaxis

Previously completed Tuberculosis preventive treatment

🔘 Yes

🔘 No

🔘 Unknown

166463 Completed course of tuberculosis prophylaxis

Allergies & Adverse Drug Reactions




Patient reports adverse drug reaction(s)?

🔘 Yes

🔘 No

🔘 Unknown

1512 Allergy to drug

1065 Yes

1066 No

1067 Unknown

Medicine Causing Reaction

1193 Current drugs used


☑️ Anaphylaxis

☑️ Angioedema

☑️ Anaemia

☑️ Arrhythmia

☑️ Bronchospasm

☑️ Cough

☑️ Diarrhea

☑️ Dystonia

☑️ Flu-Like Syndrome

☑️ Flushing

☑️ Fever

☑️ GI

☑️ Nausea

☑️ Hypertension

☑️ Hives

☑️ Headache

☑️ Hepatotoxicity

☑️ Hyperuricemia

☑️ Itching

☑️ Mental status change

☑️ Musculoskeletal pain

☑️ Optic Neuritis

☑️ Shortness of breath

☑️ Rash

☑️ Tendon Rupture

☑️ Visual Disturbances

☑️ Vomiting

☑️ Unknown

☑️ Other

160646 Reaction (to an allergen)


🔘 Not graded

🔘 Mild

🔘 Moderate

🔘 Severe

🔘 Life-threatening

162760 Severity of adverse reaction

Date of Onset

160753 Date of event

Action taken

🔘 Continue drug

🔘 Dose adjusted

🔘 Discontinued

🔘 Substitution

1255 Antiretroviral plan

Family History


Family History Narrative


160618 Family history comment

Sexual History


Sexually active?

🔘 Yes

🔘 No

🔘 Currently not sexually active

160109 Sexually active

Sex without a condom

🔘 Yes

🔘 No

🔘 Unknown

166658 Had sex without condom

Recent history of a Sexually Transmitted Infection

🔘 Yes

🔘 No

🔘 Unknown

169004Sexually transmitted infection (STI) in past 6 months

Reproductive History



␣␣-␣␣-␣␣␣␣ 📆

1427 Date of last menstrual period

Is client pregnant?

🔘 Yes

🔘 No

🔘 Unknown

5272 Pregnancy status

Expected Date of Delivery (EDD)

␣␣-␣␣-␣␣␣␣ 📆

5596 Estimated date of confinement

Wants (more) children in the near future?

🔘 Yes

🔘 No

🔘 Unknown

160571 Patient wishes to get pregnant

Family planning status

🔘 On Family Planning

🔘 Not using Family Planning

🔘 Wants Family Planning

160653 Family planning status

Current/Desired Family Planning Method (s)

🔽 Condoms

🔽 Diaphragm

🔽 Emergency contraceptive pills

🔽 Female condom

🔽 Female sterilization

🔽 Hysterectomy

🔽 Implantable contraceptive

🔽 Injectable contraceptives

🔽 Intrauterine device

🔽 Lactational amenorrhea

🔽 Levonorgestrel

🔽 Male condom

🔽 Medroxyprogesterone acetate

🔽 Natural family planning

🔽 Norplant (implantable contraceptive)

🔽 Oral contraception

🔽 Sexual abstinence

🔽 Tubal ligation procedure

🔽 Vasectomy

🔽 Other non-coded

374 Method of family planning

Current/Desired Family Planning Method (s)

☑️ Condoms

☑️ Vasectomy

374 Method of family planning

Social History


History of Substance Use (Alcohol, Tobacco, Drugs)

🔘 Never

🔘 Current/Past use

160246 Substance use

Do you smoke cigarettes

🔘 Never smoker

🔘 Unknown if ever smoked

🔘 Smoker

🔘 Former smoker

163201 Smoking status

Number of years smoked

159931 Duration of smoking (in years)

Number of cigarette per day

1546 Daily cigarette use

Alcohol use

🔘 Never

🔘 Currently

🔘 In the past

159449 Alcohol use status

Duration in Years***

1546 Daily cigarette use****

166361 Duration of alcohol use (years)

Substances abused*****

☑️ None

☑️ Barbiturate abuse

☑️ Cannabis Abuse

☑️ Cocaine abuse

☑️ Inhalant abuse

☑️ Khat abuse

☑️ Narcotic abuse

☑️ Opioid abuse

112603 Substance abuse

History of Recent Travel?

🔘 Yes

🔘 No

165656 History of recent travel in past 14 days

Subjective narrative***CC


Immunization History




Objective History


General examination findings

☑️ Normal

☑️ Cyanosis

☑️ Dehydration

☑️ Finger Clubbing

☑️ Jaundice

☑️ Lethargic

☑️ Lymph Node Axillary

☑️ Lymph Nodes Inguinal

☑️ Oral thrush

☑️ Oedema

☑️ Wasting

☑️ Nasal Flaring

☑️ Pallor

162737Physical exam outcome

General Examination Notes

163042 General examination (text)

Systemic Examination


Physical exam outcome

🔘 Normal

🔘 Abnormal

162737 Physical exam outcome

Reviews of System

☑️ Abdominal

☑️ Cardiovascular

☑️ Central Nervous System

☑️ Head, Ear, Eye, Nose & Throat

☑️ Genitourinary

☑️ Musculoskeletal

☑️ Respiratory

☑️ Skin

159615 Review of systems

Abdomen findings

☑️ Abdominal distension

☑️ Abdominal mass

☑️ Splenomegaly

☑️ Hepatomegaly

☑️ Abdominal tenderness

1125 Abdominal exam findings

Abdomen findings notes

160947 Abdominal examination (text)

CVS findings

☑️ Cardiac murmur

☑️ Cardiac rub

☑️ Elevated blood pressure

☑️ Irregular heartbeat

☑️ Palpitations

1124 Cardiac exam findings

CVS findings notes

163046 Cardiac examination (text)

CNS findings
☑️ Abnormal reflexes
☑️ Altered sensations
☑️ Brudzinski's sign
☑️ Bulging fontenelle
☑️ Confusion
☑️ Kernicterus
☑️ Limb weakness
☑️ Loss of consciousness
☑️ Stiff neck

1129 Neurologic exam findings

CNS findings notes

163109 Nervous system examination (text)

Genitourinary findings

☑️ Bleeding

☑️ Genital rashes/Lesions

☑️ Hypospadias

☑️ Inguinal Swelling

☑️ Rectal discharge

☑️ Scrotal mass

☑️ Testicular mass

☑️ Ulceration

☑️ Urethral discharge

☑️ Vaginal discharge

☑️ Genital Warts

1126 Urogenital exam findings

Genitourinary findings notes

163047 Urogenital examination (text)

HEENT findings









1122 HEENT exam findings

HEENT findings notes

163045 HEENT examination (text)

Musculoskeletal findings

☑️ Abnormal Posture/Movement

☑️ Deformity

☑️ Pain in Joints

☑️ Heberdens nodes

☑️ Increased of local temperature

☑️ Joint crepitus

☑️ Joint stiffness

☑️ Swelling

☑️ Muscle Wasting

☑️ Muscle weakness

☑️ Pitting/Non pitting oedema

☑️ Restriction of movement

☑️ Tendon sheath crepitus

☑️ Ulcers

1128 Musculoskeletal exam findings

Musculoskeletal findings notes

163048 Musculoskeletal examination (text)

Respiratory findings

☑️ Reduced breathing

☑️ Bronchial breathing

☑️ Chest in-drawing

☑️ Crackles

☑️ Dullness

☑️ Grunting

☑️ Respiratory distress

☑️ Stridor

☑️ Wheezing

1123 Chest exam findings

Respiratory findings notes

160689 Chest examination (text)

Skin findings

☑️ Abscess

☑️ Hair Loss

☑️ Itching

☑️ Kaposis Sarcoma

☑️ Swelling/Growth

☑️ Skin eruptions/Rashes

☑️ Ulcer

1120 Skin exam findings

Skin findings notes

160981 Skin examination (text)



Current WHO HIV stage

🔘 Unknown

🔘 WHO stage 1

🔘 WHO stage 2

🔘 WHO stage 3

🔘 WHO stage 4

5356 Current WHO HIV stage

Nutritional Assessment


Nutritional status

🔘 Not done

🔘 Normal

🔘 Severe acute malnutrition

🔘 Moderate acute malnutrition

🔘 Obesity

167392 Nutritional status

Nutritional interventions provided

🔘 Yes

🔘 No

🔘 Unknown

1380 Nutrition counseling

Nutritional support

☑️ Counseling about infant feeding practices

☑️ Food support

☑️ Micronutrient support

☑️ Therapeutic feeding

☑️ Other (specify)

☑️ None

5484 Nutritional support

Nutritional plan (text)

163189 Nutritional plan (text)

TB Screening


TB screening done?

🔘 Yes

🔘 No

🔘 Unknown

164800 Screened for tuberculosis

TB Intensive Case Finding

☑️ Night sweats

☑️ Failure to Gain Weight

☑️ Fever lasting more than three weeks

☑️ Cough lasting more than 2 weeks

☑️ Weight Loss (Abnormal weight loss)

☑️ None

159800 Tuberculosis, review of screening questions


TB screening outcome

🔘 Negative

🔘 Positive (Presumptive TB)

160108 Screening test result, tuberculosis

Action taken - Presumptive TB

☑️ GeneXpert MTB/Rif Ordered

☑️ Sputum for acid fast bacilli ordered

☑️ X-ray, chest ordered

166937 Care management plan

Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests


Order Basket Launcher


Upload File or Image

1238 Medical record observations



Diagnosis & Problem List

159947 Visit Diagnoses


1284 Problem list

Diagnosis certainty

🔽 Presumptive diagnosis

🔽 Provisonal diagnosis

🔽 Confirmed diagnosis

🔽 Final diagnosis

159394 Diagnosis certainty

Diagnosis order

🔘 Primary

🔘 Secondary

159946 Diagnosis order

Diagnosis non-coded

161602 Diagnosis or problem, non-coded

Problem List


Treatment/Management Plan


Order Basket Launcher


Tuberculosis Preventive Treatment (TPT)


Evaluated for tuberculosis prophylaxis

🔘 Not applicable

🔘 Yes

🔘 No

162275 Evaluated for tuberculosis prophylaxis

Tuberculosis prophylaxis plan

🔘 None

🔘 Start drugs

🔘 Continue regimen

🔘 Stop all

1265 Tuberculosis prophylaxis plan

Tuberculosis preventive treatment regimen

🔽 1 HP Isoniazid + Rifapentine prophylaxis

🔽 3HP Rifapentine + Isoniazid

🔽 3HR Isoniazid+Rifampicin prophylaxis

🔽 4R Rifampicin Monotherapy prophylaxis

🔽 6H Isoniazid prophylaxis

🔽 9H Isoniazid prophylaxis

1264 Tuberculosis prophylaxis started

Date tuberculosis prophylaxis started

␣␣-␣␣-␣␣␣␣ 📆

162320 Date started on tuberculosis prophylaxis

Tuberculosis Preventive Treatment adherence

🔘 Good

🔘 Poor

🔘 Fair

🔘 Unknown

161653 Isoniazid adherence

Date tuberculosis prophylaxis ended

␣␣-␣␣-␣␣␣␣ 📆

163284 Date tuberculosis prophylaxis ended

Reason tuberculosis prophylaxis stopped

🔘 Completed

🔘 Toxicity, drug

🔘 Tuberculosis

🔘 Other non-coded

1266 Reason tuberculosis prophylaxis stopped

Treatment of TB


Tuberculosis treatment plan

🔘 None

🔘 Start drugs

🔘 Continue regimen

🔘 Change regimen

🔘 Dosing Change

🔘 Stop all

1268 Tuberculosis treatment plan

Tuberculosis drug treatment start date

␣␣-␣␣-␣␣␣␣ 📆

1113 Tuberculosis drug treatment start date

Tuberculosis treatment end date

␣␣-␣␣-␣␣␣␣ 📆

159431 Tuberculosis treatment end date

Prevention of opportunistic infections - PCP


Pneumocystis pneumonia prophylaxis plan

🔘 None

🔘 Start drugs

🔘 Continue regimen

🔘 Change regimen

🔘 Stop all

1261 PCP prophylaxis plan

PCP prophylaxis start date

␣␣-␣␣-␣␣␣␣ 📆

164361Cotrimoxazole prophylaxis start date

PCP prophylaxis regimen

🔘 Sulfamethoxazole / trimethoprim

🔘 Dapsone

1109Patient reported current PCP prophylaxis

PCP regimen adherence

🔘 Good

🔘 Fair

🔘 Poor

🔘 Unknown

166462 Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia prophylaxis adherence

Reason for stopping PCP prophylaxis

🔘 CD4 count greater than 15%

🔘 CD4 count greater than 200

🔘 Toxicity, drug

🔘 Other non-coded

1262 Reason PCP prophylaxis stopped

Prevention of Opportunistic Infections - Cryptococcosis


Cryptococcal prophylaxis plan

🔘 None

🔘 Start drugs

🔘 Continue regimen

🔘 Stop all

1277 Cryptococcal treatment plan

ART Adherence


HAART adherence assessment

🔘 Good

🔘 Fair

🔘 Poor

🔘 Unknown

1164 Antiretroviral adherence in past week

Reason for Fair/Poor Adherence to HAART

🔽 Alcohol abuse

🔽 Concerned about privacy/stigma

🔽 Depression

🔽 Felt better and stopped taking medication

🔽 Felt too ill to take medication

🔽 Forgot to take medication

🔽 Lost or ran out of medication

🔽 Pill burden

🔽 Shares medications with others

🔽 Toxicity, drug

🔽 Transport problems

🔽 Other non-coded

160582 Reason for poor treatment adherence



Referrals ordered

🔽 None

🔽 Adherence counseling

🔽 Alcohol counseling

🔽 Dental care referral

🔽 Diagnostic testing and counseling for HIV

🔽 Disclosure counseling

🔽 Family planning services

🔽 Health center hospital

🔽 Health clinic/post

🔽 Hospital

🔽 Inpatient care or hospitalization

🔽 Maternal and child health program

🔽 Mental health services

🔽 Nutritional support

🔽 Obstetrics and gynecology department

🔽 Ophthalmology referral

🔽 Postnatal care referral

🔽 Prenatal care referral

🔽 Private health care clinic/facility

🔽 Private home-based care

🔽 Psychosocial counseling

🔽 Referral for antiretroviral therapy

🔽 Referral for imaging study

🔽 Referral for opportunistic infection treatment

🔽 Referral for pregnancy termination

🔽 Sexually transmitted infection program/clinic

🔽 Social support services

🔽 Surgical Outpatient Department

🔽 Tobacco use counseling

🔽 Tuberculosis Treatment or DOT Program

🔽 Voluntary counseling and testing for HIV

🔽 Other non-coded

1272 Referrals ordered


Reason for referral (text)

164359 Reason for referral (text)



Next Appointment Date

␣␣-␣␣-␣␣␣␣ 📆

5096 Return visit date

Date medication refill is due

␣␣-␣␣-␣␣␣␣ 📆

162549 Date medication refills due

General Encounter Notes


General Note

162169 Text of encounter note




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