Global Events & Marketing Team


The OpenMRS Global Events Team's primary purpose is to plan, organize, and facilitate events and hackathons to bring the OpenMRS community together, globally and locally, face-to-face and virtually.

This team's main responsibilities include:

  • Identify and collaborate with countries and organizations to co-host in-person or virtual meetings, events, and hackathons.

  • Disseminate information about the OpenMRS events, meetings, and hackathons

  • Collaborate with local teams to plan the annual OpenMRS Implementer's Meeting

  • Manage the OpenMRS Global Events budget


Global Events & Marketing Team Roadmap

(Full Community Roadmap here)


Recent Work Completed


What We're Working on Today


Next Priorities*


Myth Busting & Telling Our Stories

What myths about OpenMRS & our community do we need to bust this year? What stories do we want to tell? Where will we tell them?

Global Events & Marketing Team  Community led


OpenMRS 2023 Implementers' Conference

Annual community meeting

June 2023

  Global Events & Marketing Team


Ethiopia OpenMRS Training & Hackathon

Virtual and In-Person sessions on OpenMRS Tech

April/May 2023

  Global Events & Marketing Team UCSF-TAP ICAP-Ethiopia





















Community events and external events Overview

This calendar is read-only. Please ask your administrator to renew your Team Calendars subscription.

Who is involved?

Any community member is welcome to participate in and contribute to the Global Events Team, whether this is during the team's weekly meeting, on Talk, or on Slack. Community members who demonstrate a high level of commitment by actively contributing to the Global Events Team will become a core member.

Current Team Members

@Jennifer Antilla 

@Christine Gichuki 

@Erica Kigotho 

@Olara Moses 

@SSEBAANA Suubi Joshua 

Where to join our conversations

The Global Events Team meets on a weekly basis every Wednesday at 7:30pm IST | 5pm Nairobi | 4pm Cape Town | 2pm UTC | 10am Boston | 7am Seattle.

Weekly meetings are held via Zoom: Launch Meeting - Zoom

Talk: The Global Events Team shares meeting information, key questions, discussion points, and documents decisions on Talk.

Slack: The Global Events Team uses the #global-events Slack channel for day-to-day planning discussions.

Contact @Jennifer Antilla for more information on how to participate and contribute to the Global Events Team.


Meeting Notes and Recordings

Expectations for Global Events Team Meeting Notes

We have a dedicated note-taker for each meeting who is responsible for note taking. Notes are circulate to squad members for review. We strive to make sure that:

  • the meeting agenda is included the notes at the beginning of the meeting

  • someone is tracking the time so we cover the agenda items

  • we document important decision points - and their rationale

  • individuals are encouraged to add important points to the notes

  • a summary of action items for next meeting is provided

Meeting notes are taken in Google docs, which is accessible here and on the Global Events meeting invite on the OpenMRS calendar.