OpenMRS Inc. Community Member Election


See this Talk thread for information on submitting a nomination for OpenMRS Inc. Board of Director's Community Member role

OpenMRS Inc.'s primary purpose is to support the OpenMRS community. OpenMRS’ community is comprised of all sorts of developers, translators, writers, and users. One seat on the Board is filled by an elected individual from the OpenMRS community. OpenMRS community members are characterized by their involvement in the community such as active participation in the mailing lists, meeting attendance, and direct experience on the ground in healthcare settings. The elected individual will represent the community’s voice on the Board and in the future of the organization.

The community board member participation requires at most 3-4 hours per month on board activities. The Community Member represents the OpenMRS Community's perspective to the Board of Directors (BoD) and provides real-world experience of OpenMRS.

Process for Nominations 

  • Nominations (including self nominations) will be solicited as soon as possible, after the seat is rendered vacant, for the at-large community member.

    • Nomination form will be posted to OpenMRS Talk.

    • Nominations will be open for a minimum of two weeks and may be extended.

    • At least one week prior to the election period, nominees will be asked to confirm their willingness to be included on the ballot and serve in this role if elected.

Process for Elections

  • A nominating slate will be developed for the at-large community member

  • Instant runoff voting process will be used

  • This slate will be posted on Talk

  • Candidates will prepare short written statements about their work within OpenMRS and what will make them an effective representative. These statements will be published in the ballot and on the Wiki.

  • Voting will occur through an online voting process soon after.

  • Election results will be posted not more than one week after the voting is complete.

To nominate a member of the OpenMRS Community, including yourself, use this form HERE.