2010 Implementers Group Meeting

2010 Implementers Group Meeting

Table of Contents

Fifth Annual OpenMRS Implementers Meeting: 9-12 September 2010, Cape Town, South Africa

On behalf of the OpenMRS community, our hosts and funders, Jembi Health Systems, the South African Medical Research Council and the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), we invite you to attend the Fifth OpenMRS Implementers Meeting from 9-12 September 2010 in Cape Town Cape Town, South Africa. The meeting immediately precedes Medinfo 2010.

Supported By:

Twitter Coverage

We live-Tweeted the event using Twitter hashtag #OMRS10. Read a transcript or find more stats at WTHashtag.com.

Program / Agenda

The conference will use an "unconference" style where presentation ideas are determined by the group. This guarantees that every attendee has a chance to get exactly what they want out of the conference.

View the agenda in progress.

Presentations & Notes

If you are giving a talk, please add a page for it under this one, and link to it from the agenda.






This year we are running a trac focused on the OpenROSA group. Although this meeting is running concurrently with the OpenMRS meeting the OpenROSA trac will have its own set of delegates, own agenda for the days and meet in a dedicated break-out room. Delegates interested in attending the OpenROSA trac are asked to choose their main trac on the application form. We have co-located these meetings as there exists levels of commonality between the groups and feel that both communities would benefit from both in conference proceedings and out of conference proceedings and interactions. The coordination of the meeting will fall under the same guidelines outlined below for the OpenMRS meeting and delegates are asked to follow the same procedure in their applications. For queries with regards to the OpenROSA meeting please contact the OpenROSA group, for queries with regards to the logistics of the meeting please contact organizer@jembi.org.


The OpenMRS Implementers meeting will include most of the core developers of OpenMRS and representatives from OpenMRS implementation sites from around the world. It is a great opportunity to share experiences of implementing OpenMRS and participate in the ongoing design and development of OpenMRS. The meeting will have significant technical content and there will be ample opportunity for existing implementers to advance their knowledge of OpenMRS and learn advanced techniques as well as for new implementers to get a jump start on implementing OpenMRS. There will also be sessions devoted to development issues and extensions of OpenMRS to other health and healthcare applications.

Please contact the Conference Organizer if you need a formal invitation letter.

Application Form

Please use the Online Application form as primary point of registration, and please fill in BOTH forms if you are applying for a scholarship
Online Application Forms are available at:

Please note that we have removed the travel details from the original application form and separated them out into their own form. Please complete this when your application has been confirmed.

Deadline for Applications: 5pm GMT Friday 20 August 2010

Deadline for Notifications: 5pm GMT Friday 3 September 2010

Offline .doc forms are available here

Conference Cost

OpenMRS Conference costs:

Daily Registration fee: ZAR 380 (USD 50) per person per day (includes conference attendance, teas and lunch)

Delegates are responsible for their own accommodation and transport costs to the conference. Jembi will facilitate the shuttle from the airport to the conference venue, if required.


Monkey Valley: R680 per person per night. Kindly note that the Congerence Organizers have block booked all accommodation at monkey valley. Please contact the Jembi organizer to book your place as part of the group.


  • 9-12 September 2010


Objectives of the Meeting

  • Advance the development agenda of OpenMRS;
  • Share OpenMRS implementation experiences and address outstanding issues and latest developments in the design of the application;
  • Work with other open source health and healthcare applications to create interoperable health information systems.

Who should attend

  • Experienced OpenMRS developers and developers with an interest in OpenMRS
  • Experienced OpenMRS implementers and new implementers with a serious interest in implementing OpenMRS
  • OpenMRS trainees and mentors
  • Developers of related health and healthcare application software

DRAFT Programme

  • Thursday 9 September 2010, 8:30am - 5:30pm; 7pm Cocktail Function
  • Friday 10 September 2010, 8:30am - 5:30pm;
  • Saturday 11 September 2010, 8:30am - 3:00pm
  • Sunday 12 September, 2010 8:30am - 1:00pm

See the ?2010 Implementers Group Meeting Program page for the evolving program.


This year's OpenMRS meeting will include a new avenue (new to OpenMRS Implementers Meeting) of a call for posters. We are looking for posters to fall into the categories of:

In motivation for groups/individuals to submit posters we will be judging the posters (partly done by attendees) in the various categories and awarding prizes for the posters. Prizes are aiming to range from Official OpenMRS Gear hamper through South African Rugby or Soccer Jerseys. The Award categories will include:

  • Best Overall
  • Most Creative
  • Most Technical
  • Best/Top Remote Entries

We are also encouraging those who aren't able to make it out to the meeting to submit their posters for the community. We will be providing a rough template for posters and make the complete set of posters available on the OpenMRS site during the course of the meeting. If you have completed the scholarship application form please email email|organizer|jembi.org indicating your intent to submit a poster.

Community Poll on what you'd like to see as posters at this year's conference: http://doodle.com/p99i9tqpx34w6dsd

Contact Details

  • The Conference Coordinator, Jembi Health Systems, South Africa
  • E-mail: organizer@jembi.org
  • Tel: +27 21 701 2012
  • Fax: +27 86 211 5902