2009 Implementers Group Meeting

2009 Implementers Group Meeting



Fourth Annual OpenMRS Implementers Meeting, 13-17 September 2009, Monkey Valley Resort, Cape Town, South Africa

On behalf of the OpenMRS community and our funders, the the South African Medical Research Council, the Canadian International Development Research Centre (IDRC) and the Fogarty International Centre we invite you to attend the Fourth OpenMRS Implementers Meeting from 13-17 September 2009 at the Monkey Valley Resort, Cape Town, South Africa.

Supported By:


Please could all attendees assist us by completing the following survey (5-7 min):http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=Oag_2br60zVRGwErZp6WCDUQ_3d_3d

Program Development

The conference will use an "Unconference" style where presentation ideas are determined by the group. This guarantees that every attendee has a chance to get exactly what they want out of the conference.

emphasis|Contribute ideas for discussion to the 2009 Implementers Group Meeting Program.


The OpenMRS Implementers meeting will include most of the core developers of OpenMRS and representatives from OpenMRS implementation sites from around the world. It is a great opportunity to share experiences of implementing OpenMRS and participate in the ongoing design and development of OpenMRS. The meeting will have significant technical content and there will be ample opportunity for existing implementers to advance their knowledge of OpenMRS and learn advanced techniques as well as for new implementers to get a jump start on implementing OpenMRS. There will also be sessions devoted to development issues and extensions of OpenMRS to other health and healthcare applications.

There are a limited number of places available and interested applicants are encouraged to submit an Application Form as soon as possible!

Application forms available in various formats: archive:DOC, archive:ODT (Zipped), or archive:PDF.


  • 13-17 September 2009


Objectives of the Meeting

  • Advance the development agenda of OpenMRS;

  • Share OpenMRS implementation experiences and address outstanding issues and latest developments in the design of the application;

  • Work with other open source health and healthcare applications to create interoperable health information systems.

Who should attend

  • Experienced OpenMRS developers and developers with an interest in OpenMRS

  • Experienced OpenMRS implementers and new implementers with a serious interest in implementing OpenMRS

  • OpenMRS trainees and mentors

  • Developers of related health and healthcare application software

Note to Presenters

If you would like to present an existing OpenMRS development or implementation project, please contact the conference liaison, Anthea Van Blerk (anthea.van.blerk!At-image.png!mrc.ac.za), but note that the emphasis in the meeting is on collaboration and not on lengthy descriptive presentations

DRAFT Programme

  • Sunday 13 September 2009 8:30am - 5:30pm

  • Monday 14 September 2009 8:30am - 5:30pm

  • Tuesday 15 September 2009 8:30am - 2:30pm

  • Wednesday 16 September 2009 8:30am - 5:30pm

  • Thursday 17 September 2009 8:30am - 1:00pm


There is no conference registration fee. Our sponsors, the Canadian International Development Research Centre (IDRC) and the Fogarty International Centre have generously sponsored the costs of the meeting, venue, lunch and teas. However, attendees are responsible for their own travel and accommodation costs.

Registration Application

There are limited places available and all interested applicants must submit an Application form (download application in archive:DOC, archive:ODT (Zipped), or archive:PDF format), including a motivation to attend the meeting.


The Meeting organizers have made a block accommodation booking at a nearby hotel and for the limited number of shared accommodation options at the resort. These will be allocated according to pragmatic considerations and on a first come, first served basis according to registration forms received. Please indicate your preference on the Application form and also whether you are willing to share and, if known, the names of other applicants with whom you would like to share, if possible. Preference for on-site accommodation will be given to those opting to share.


  • Hotel rooms: R350 per person per night (sharing)

  • Three roomed cottages (two bathrooms): R350 per person per night (sharing)

  • Two roomed cottages (two bathrooms): R350 per person per night (sharing)
    A currency conversion tool is available here.


We recommend that participants from out of Cape Town arrange to travel to the Meeting venue arriving on Saturday 12 September 2009. There will be several transport pickups during the day on Saturday 12 September 2009 and on the morning of Sunday 13 September 2009 from Cape Town International Airport to the Meeting Venue. Transport from the Venue to the airport will also be arranged on Thursday 17 September 2009. Attendees traveling outside the organized times will need to make alternative arrangements. Please indicate your transport requirements on the Application form.


A limited amount of funding is available to assist with the travel and accommodation costs of existing African OpenMRS implementers or people planning an OpenMRS implementation and who do not have institutional funding. Applicants should complete the Scholarship Application Form archive:PDF.

Contact Details

Anthea van Blerk

Biomedical Informatics Research Division, eHealth Research and Innovation Platform, Medical Research Council, Cape Town, South Africa

E-mail: email|anthea.van.blerk|mrc.ac.za

Tel: +27 21 938 0851
Fax: +27 21 938 0526