2009 Implementers Group Meeting Program Data Quality Reports


  • Sun, Sep 13 EDITORIAL Check out Pascal's notes on Security for a template of good note-taking.

  • Sun, Sep 13: Please be patient while Justin enters his notes ...

  • Mon, Sep 14: Update: It took a while to get these notes compiled and uploaded ... apologies. The "raw" notes are currently uploaded. Need to clean up the notes a bit.
    --Jmiranda 03:18, 14 September 2009 (EDT)

Data Quality Reports

(consensus is that these should not be called reports since they usually require some interactivity)

Revised Notes

Questions to answer

  • For what purpose are we/you creating data quality reports?

    • To improve clinical care

    • To facilitate research studies

    • To improve data quality accuracy

    • For aggregate reporting

    • To improve availability/timeliness of data entered into system (is data ready for next visit?)

more to come soon ...

Raw Notes

  • For what purpose?

    • clinical care

    • research

    • data entry errors

    • timeliness of data (consult date vs reporting date) -> useful for find things like missed clinical appt

  • standards for data quality

    • double entry module

  • how can we check data input

  • tools used for data quality

    • data exports on cohort (very manual process)

    • BIRT reports using SQL to implement data quality rules


  • catch errors when they occur (form entry)

  • data quality rules will be implemented in next version of reporting tool (v1.5)

  • Implementation specific examples

    • AMPATH (ada)

      • uses SQL export + SAS to run data quality checks

      • more validation added to form schema

      • there are always exceptions in form validation

      • infopath - no way to handle complex validation like "weight gain"

    • MVP (andy) Who gets/uses the report? What's the workflow around data quality reports?

      • Providers? Data Managers?

    • Rwanda (cheryl)

      • currently using hard-coded module to perform data quality checks

        • found 2000 historical errors, only 50 left after about a year

      • adding an indicator requires programming (e.g. it's difficult)

      • need to configure these rather than program them

      • needs: Data manager should be able to click a button to view report

      • automated report sent to each site every week

      • need to be able to distinguish between errors and abnormal conditions

    • Malawi (Evan)

      • point-of-care data entry (e.g. touchscreen) helps improve quality

      • in order to enter an "invalid" weight the user must authorize the change

    • AMPATH (Ada)

      • Warnings/alerts are ignored if they continuously popup.

    • Lesotho (Jeremy)

      • Re-evaluation of paper forms to find errors

    • Mike

      • brought up Google Summer of Code project data integrity module as a potential solution for some

    • Ada

      • module needs to be tested, workflow needs to be

      • data quality checks MUST happen on form entry!!!

      • OR at worst, same day validation

      • e.g. of an alert trigger "patient grows 30 centimeters in 3 weeks"

      • clinical reminders triggered on inaccurate data entry

    • Christina

      • clinical (difficult) vs technical (easy) validation

    • Evan

      • another challenge: once we find the errors, how do we resolve them

      • suggestion: batch entry form

      • cross patient off the validation fail list

    • Andy

      • what about metadata quality reports

        • # of days to get forms completed

        • provider is no longer seen as completing reports ... what happened?

    • Cheryl

      • uses data entry stats and data quality modules

      • has queries that support # fo forms completed by day and location

      • how long does it take for forms to be completed

      • what was behind a correction

      • important to know who made the error

      • is someone making an error a lot

      • trends are more important than finger pointing

        • fix training, workflow

    • Darius

      • can we get a concrete set of requirements for data quality rules engine

        • patient list / cohort builder query that shows all patients that have failed a particular check. could lead to a batch entry form to fix errors.

        • dashboard to show trends over time

    • Evan

      • define error -> cohort

      • alert on patient dashboard

      • track that error happened (don't imply)

      • error should not go away, we should comment that "error was fixed by ____"

    • Andy

      • A better term for data quality errors is "exception"

    • Evan

      • Add alert/exception to patient

    • Types of exceptions

      • universally impossible (absolutes) rules that are applied to all patients (birthdate cannot be in future)

      • errors that occur when accidentally "merging" patients (entering form for the wrong patient)

        • e.g. two encounters on the same date

        • always use identifier to search for patient (never allow search by name when entering a form)

      • suggestions ("did you really mean to do this ...?")

      • data quality vs clinical problem

      • list of patients who should have come in

      • tracking encounters over steps (registration > intake > ?)

      • rapid SMS -> alert form needs to be filled in

      • form design implications

        • validation as post processing (rather than form validation) will allow you to find issue with the form design/workflow

      • system allows user to "force" enter through authorization (like in Malawi)

      • not a report, but an interactive reporting/analysis tool (should not be a printed PDF)

      • what about when it looks like an error but isn't

        • e.g. height cannot increase a certain amount of time

        • "stop showing" rule (alerts create data): ignore forever | ignore until next visit

      • want to know that exceptions existed even if someone ignores the alert

      • e.g. "# of pills given" does not match calculation of "# of pills needed until next visit date"

        • associate alerts with single data points

      • are clinical issues different from data quality checks

        • workflow issue (who uses system), escalate quality error to clinicians (clinical issue)

        • always start as a data quality issue, move to a clinical issue

      • let's keep the collaboration alive: what's the best means for that?