2009 Implementers Group Meeting Program Geographic Information Systems

2009 Implementers Group Meeting Program Geographic Information Systems


This is page relates to the GIS session in breakout room 2. It was clear that there are many unique use cases and many different tools being used.


We need to get together and consolidate in order to move towards aligning efforts and not duplicating work.

Working Group

Please sign up for this working group: GIS Working Group

Extremely Rough Notes

These notes may or may not get edited.

Using GIS: 3 people, Peru, ?, ? Kenya (Eldoret) collecting coordinates, but not using. Moz: Are developing GIS system, wants to know best tools and best practices Request for information about how different countries have delt with location in OPenMRs More broadly: Integration with OpenMRS Isaac: Analogy with mobile: Working on common integration platform Goal: try and develop similar intrgration methods with GIS What would module do: represent geographic information generally Interface with different mapping tools - interface layer Identify common database format Carol: What to find a way to use GIS for public health Cheryl: How can we use this for service delivery? James: How Kenya is collecting data and what they're doing with it? (Use cases) Isaac: Is GPS too narrow, how do you deal with location? From Eldoret: Collecting GPS coordinate for home based counselling and testing. Coordinates are used for following pregnant mothers not enrolled in ANC who may or may not be HIV+ Used: For followup (not widely used) and to get additional information [90% success rate] Would like to use for epidemiolocal analysis Cheryl: Using it for addresses basically (which would be easy in other countries) Eldoret: Using PDA and Garmin Etrex GPS device PDA to computer synchronisation Challenge Pendragon is based on Access which is difficult to integrate with OpenMRS. There is an initiative going on to program form on devices (e.g G1 phones) that can update OpenMRS. Dave: Similar in terms of how data is captured Wrote interface for LIMA Use Garmin hendhelds Garmin publishes JS API Morning: Sync with coordinates (addresses and id's) Afternoon: Sync again and new obs get entered into OpenMRS 7000 TB cases Sputum gets genotyping and the plan is to link geographic data Lots of cluster analysis will be done Would like sms to be used to enter coordinates into OpenMRS database Carol: What is the use for the data/tech after the study Dave: Wrote OMRS interface for the study Goal: Identify certain gene knockouts Want to know what makes strains easy or difficult to transmit Jeremy: Use GPS data to determine if patients are going to the right clinic Topographic analysis for ease of travel Sending mobile clinics Aamir: (His work inspired Cheryl to pilot her GIS work) Use: Monitor field teams and supervisors $250 GPS enable nokia phones Users log in and store info Log into Google earth interface to manage staff see who's logged in (phone and ask if they're not on schedule) Completed forms have date/timestamp Small team to monitor large system/team Manage (monitor) vehicles (food basket delivery and other services) Also keep track of how long it takes from one place to another Monitoring allows nation system to be managed by one person in the CApital Patient CAre: ~~~~~~~~~~~~ TB and MDR TB patients are being mapped to their house limits lost to followup other health workers can find the house monitor that health worker sees patient twice a day Using chinese device with only one button and GPS which the patient presses when at home because not enough health workers to follow all patients home. $85 bought in bulk Allows high volumn of patients to central facility, and hand out devices and press when at home losses of device are acceptable Another use: Very ill patients could press other buttons (there are 5 buttons in total) if they fall over or something So it's a personal panic button with GPS location Another use: When they plot TB patients, they include census data They get a sense if they should have more patients in a certain area Help field teams to go in and meet with practitioners Workflow: Login form Surveilance form, Service form Logout form For MDR-TB module, can click on patient in google earth interface, patient info is displayed on a popup in real time Want patient alerts on the google earth interface so managers can sent health workers to certain areas Want to allow health workers to attach voice packets (via phone) linked to patient info on google earth. Also alerts. Busy building for monitoring, haven't had time to think about evaluation Esp interested because the system and 8 others have been budgeted for by Pakistan Carols: All systesm will be good for research and interesting questions can be answered Need to sustain the systems Aamir: Need to stop development and focus on integration Need a single stable download Problem: money availble after systems developed Issac: How is OPenMRS talking to the systems David: Thinks its directly at database level Isaac: UShahiti(?) is open source mapping tool for crises Has some common developers with Baobab and OpenMRS MAy consider open source to make integration easier Solves cluster mapping problem (high concentrations can get lost) Cheryl: Interesting the variety of use cases (SErvice, Research, Management) WHO: Working with aggregated data Uses: service availablity mapping India, Zanibar, Tanzania: GIS to look at aggregated data Combine with monthly service data Basically service use mapping Look at something like maternal death, ask where you have birthing facilities working with DHIS and GIS for a while WHO Health Mapper, working closely with Tool that WHO has provided to support service availablility mapping, import sources Import your own data Nice to have mapping separated from data GUext is javascript mapping tool Used by managers, so needs to be simplified interface (giving overviews etc) Health Mapper 5 will be web based Using in Sierra Leone (not under Health Mapper name) No release date for Health Mapper 5 launchpad had DHIS GIS project Cheryl: Rwanda has use for mapping villiages Current standard for chief;s house to be centre of villiage Looked mapping individuals and villiages difficult for scaling up can't answer all research questions Have a few thousand villiages Want to attach villiages to address hierarchy Some patients will have two levels of address Need to work out of how to define locations Thinking about hosing coordinates in PostGIS have been collecting more than health information can use for analysis Want to develop and integration module Carol: What are the different ways of mapping locations Wonders about different ontologies Public health implications Rwanda: problem: what units can we use to map space have: distrit, cell, umadugadu(?) government changes categorisations of areas cost of mapping lowest categories is expensive, so getting centroids modelling and projections are being dones (e.g. project a umadugadu) want to collection other information want to empower local chief to monitor their own health problems: what the best way to present statistical data to local uneducated person let local people draw boundaries to their village enpower locals to become partners in management of their own health Carol: Can't use name as concept because of cultural requirement (change name when someone dies) Noted the difference between people needs and tech needs Cheryl: Mapped homes of HIV patients Worked with government and provided information to them Had good responses from local leaders People were exited about satellites Don't assume people won't be exited about learning about tech and involving comminuties Good bridge into community because you can show them maps etc. ?: Noted Rwanda has hierarchy of regional structures problem: combining h1n1 data from different places in the states data is reported differently noted that something about location that is not very satifying have developed nice ontology