HR Module Documentation Section 1

HR Module Documentation Section 1

General information about HR data and the OpenMRS implementation

Representing a career using the HR Module

  • Job title: describes a role; includes education and skill requirements, describes job functions, pay grades  

  • Post: an authorization to employ someone with a specified job title at a specified location; can be open, filled or closed (no longer authorized)  

    • Post-centric system: posts are created and maintained based on an authorization process or staffing norms  


    • Person-centric system: a person is hired with a job title; posts hold data but there is no authorization process  

  • Post History: placement of a specified person in a specified post; has a start and end date; a person’s collection of post histories represents their career  

  • Assignment: a finer-grained version of post history, tells what the employee is supposed to be doing where and for whom.  Particularly important where a facility is responsible for staffing satellite clinics.. 

Basic terms used by the HR Module

Cadre: A collection of similar job titles administered together, typically organized by profession

Time basis: Typically full-time, part-time, casual, but available for use according the clinic/national scheme

Work schedule (coded): Indicates when a person is working, typically a shift code, used with assignments

Pay grade: A coded indication of an employee's base pay.  Typically there are multiple pay grades for a job title based on longevity.  Special benefits such as hardship pay may be recorded with the pay grade or tracked elsewhere.  Additional benefits due to rank (e.g. junior nurse, senior nurse) should be reflected in job title.

ISCO Code: An international hierarchical code of job categories, describing their functions, duties and required skills.