Longitudinal Data Viewer Student Proposal

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Longitudinal Data Review (Discrete Data Flowsheet) Module


Umashanthi Pavalanathan


OpenMRS is an open-source, enterprise electronic medical record system platform which is widely used for managing health systems in the developing countries. One of the major requirement for a person working with this system is to view patient data in reverse chronological order. This feature will allow the users to get an overall idea about a patient at a glance. This project for implementing Longitudinal Data Review Module intends to present patient data in different views for easy review.


One of the major requirement for a person, managing and working with a medical record system is to view patient's data in reverse chronological order. This feature is needed by clinicians to get an overall idea about a patient's medical history at a glance. When further analyzing a patient's health details, it is required to view each medical test's results over a period of time. A graphical representation of such test results will facilitate a clinician with easy data analysis. The Longitudinal Data Review Module I am planning to implement will satisfy these requirements of a user of OpenMRS.

This new module with have the ability for a user to select a patient and view their data in reverse chronological order. When clicking on results it will brings up a dialog with more information about the results including graphical representation. I will also implement a search functionality to filter by name and date range. In addition I am planning to implement a tabular view of data with flags showing abnormal results comparing literature values. I will do research on the OpenMRS data models and other conventions before start coding and decide on the final requirements with the help of the mentors and the community.

Here is a mockup of a sample usecase.




In addition to creating a standard OpenMRS module I am planning to create a widget using AJAX and JavaScript technologies to give a better look and feel to the end user. Techonologies such as JavaFX also can be used for this purpose. I will be deciding on the technology after discussing with the mentors and the community. Currently I am learning about the possible cadidates for this purpose.

Community Interaction

The important factor which attracted me at first and created a passion for me towards OpenMRS project is the activeness and the invaluable support from the community. The community is always encouraging my contribution and helping me with all my questions. The guidance I got from the community is immense.I believe that it is the reason why OpenMRS stands as one of the leading open source medical system projects in the world.

I have being an active member of the OpenMRS community since I joined. I am a member of the OpenMRS Trac under the name umashanthi. I am also a member of the OpenMRS forum and using it as a way to get to know about the OpenMRS project as well as the community. I have being attending the Developer calls on Thursdays and listening to code-review sessions when possible with my skype name Umashanthi Pavalanathan.

I started working tickets as soon as have done with basic readings after joining the community. Up to now I have successfully completed the tickets #2048 and # 2156 and working on tickets #1663, #2179, #2155 and #2199. The support I got from the fellow members of the community is the only reason for my success in creating patches and getting familiar with the code base quickly. Working with the tickets is a nice experience to get familiar with the OpenMRS web application framework; especially I got to know about how the Spring framework is used in the project when solving ticket #2048. I wrote few small test cases also when solving the tickets.

I will continue my interaction with the community by making all my works towards this project visible for the community. I will give my best effort in getting feedback and new suggestions from the community during every milestone of my project. I will update the community about my progress and decisions on the project through a wiki page as well as through regular blog entries in my blog. Further I will attend the developer calls and raise any important questions when required with the help of my mentor. I ensure that I will give my returns to the community through my continuous contribution in the future and I will be introducing new members to the community when ever I get a chance.


  • A new OpenMRS flowsheet module for longitudinal data review

  • Module source code and unit tests with technical documentation

  • User guide for the module

  • More information and updates of the module maintained in a wiki

Draft schedule

April 26th- May 9th : Discussion with the mentors about the final project descriptions, list of tasks, deliverables and time-line; Continuing the familiarization work about the code base, OpenMRS framework and Module implementation

May 10th – May 23rd: Completing user interface mockups, research on how OpenMRS data models and the way to access them in order to present data to the users

May 24th – July 11th : First phase of development

July 12th – July 18th : Mid-term evaluations and work on feedback received

July 19th – August 1st : Second phase of development

August 2nd – August 15th : Testing, documentation and final improvements

August 16th – August 20th : Final Evaluations

About Me

I am Umashanthi Pavalanathan, an undergraduate from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka.

I consider me as the right person for this task since I give my best in what ever I engage in, especially open source software development is my passion. I am a fast learner, have good technical and communications skills and a person who loves to face challenges and succeed in them. Also I engage in community activities for my own satisfaction and I believe that I can help the people of the developing countries through contributing to the OpenMRS project. I have the necessary skills for this project and sound experience with Java. I have shown my interest in the project by solving tickets on Trac in very short period of time after joining the community. I will give my full contribution continuously and will complete the tasks before the deadlines.

My Experience

  • Java experience

I have been working on many Java projects both small scale and medium scale for the last four years. My major interest is in working with Java Web Applications. In order to make my self comfortable with the basic concepts in Java, I have completed three certifications from Sun Microsystems - SCJP 1.4(Sun Certified Java Programmer), SCMAD 1.0 (Sun Certified Mobile Application Developer) and SCWCD 5.0 (Sun Certified Web Component Developer). Source code of one of my project - sample Airline reservation system Java Web Application - can be found here.

  • Web interface experience

I have sound experience in working with HTML, CSS, JSPs, JavaScript, PHP and JSF. I have fair experience with AJAX and JavaFX. Some screen-shots of the Airline web application I have created can be found here.

  • Open source experience

I have experience in working with Joomla!, Maven, Struts and Apache Shindig. I created a Joomla! component for my project in the university. I have used Jasper Reports in some projects. Besides that I do not have much open source experience. But I am sure that this OpenMRS project will be a good start for me to contribute to the open source world.

I prefer to have the contacts through my email (umashanthip@gmail.com), skype(umashanthi) and IRC (umashanthi).

I have been using the OpenMRS IRC and I am available under the nickname umashanthi. I use the OpenMRS IRC in order to get help from the community, clarify my doubts and to get to know the things happening around in the community.
