Partner Notification Form✅
JSON File: ct_partner_notification.json
Questions | Concepts |
Contact’s Information |
Encounter Date ␣␣-␣␣-␣␣␣␣ 📆 | |
Contact's First Name ___________________________ | |
Contact's Middle Name ___________________________ | |
Contact's Last Name ___________________________ | |
Gender 🔘 Female 🔘 Male | |
Phone Number ___________________________ | |
Address ___________________________ | |
Index Typology |
Relationship 🔘 Child 🔘 Drug Injecting Partner 🔘 Sexual Partner | |
Contacts HIV Status |
What is the contact HIV status as reported by the Index 🔘 Positive 🔘 Negative 🔘 Unknown | |
IPV Assessment |
Within the past year, has this person ever hit, kicked, slapped, or otherwise physically hurt you? 🔘 Yes 🔘 No | |
Has this person ever threatened to hurt you? 🔘 Yes 🔘 No | |
Has this person ever forced you to do something sexually that made you feel uncomfortable? 🔘 Yes 🔘 No | |
Partner Notification Approach |
PNS Strategy 🔘 Passive Referral 🔘 Dual Referral 🔘 Provider Referral 🔘 Contract Referral | |
Date by which the contact should have been notified of exposure ␣␣-␣␣-␣␣␣␣ 📆 | |
Notes |
IPV Notes ___________________________ |