2006-03-16 Developers Conference Call
<html><head><title></title></head><body>* Sketch out a Plan for Module Implementation- and module-specific settings Technical_Discussion#Application_properties
OpenMRS itself and each module should have...
a "default" properties file included
build.properties for OpenMRS
modulename-build.properties for each module
a "custom" properties file
~/OpenMRS-build.properties for OpenMRS
~/OpenMRS-modulename-build.properties for each module
an init method ?
hooks for menu side panel, administration acreen – could be used in jsp via taglib
OpenMRS-build.properties should allow for a list of modules to be included during build (either a list or a series of boolean flags — e.g., OPENMRS_MODULE_FORMENTRY = 1, OPENMRS_MODULE_REPORTING = 1)
RG updates
XML → HL7 and FormEntry development
Task Scheduling (in case Justin wants to talk about this a bit)
Do we want a real logo? Or are people satisfied with Burke's artistic "talent"?
Yes. Both teams will look into available artists to bring potential logos back to the group
Links to Java CAB extractors:
Review patient table (health_center, civil_status)
TODO: Both teams will look into available artists to bring potential logos back to the group
TODO: PIH to add some tickets and think about timeline
TODO: RG will spec out a pattern for module design & separation
TODO: PIH will contact RG as you encounter issues modeling concepts
TODO: Justin to create the worlds best task scheduler for OpenMRS and see if asynchronous calls can go through the task manager