OpenMRS RegaDB Integration
2015 GSoC Project Idea
This project is being considered as a potential project for Google Summer of Code 2015. If you are a potential intern and are interested in working on this project, please discuss it in detail with the mentor(s) listed here before submitting your internship proposal.
| GSoC 2010 | GSoC 2014 | GSoC 2015 |
Primary mentor | @Pascal Brandt | @Hannes Venter | @Pascal Brandt |
Backup mentor | N/A | @Pascal Brandt | @Hannes Venter |
GsoC student | @Sai Manohar | @Aniketha Katakam | TBD |
The purpose of this module is to improve upon work done during previous GSoC Projects in order to make the OpenMRS RegaDB integration production worthy.
Two previous GSoC projects successfully integrated RegaDB with OpenMRS, but the module itself is not production-ready yet. RegaDB is a database with software tools, which may be installed and managed locally, to store clinical data related to HIV and HCV treatment. It aims to support both clinicians and researchers in their work by delivering a free and open source software solution. The goal of this project is ensure that the RegaDB/OpenMRS integration is production-ready.
The functionality that RegaDB provides should be available from within OpenMRS.
Extra credit
Suggested timeline
April 27 – May 25 (Community Bonding Period):
Get to know my fellow peers and co-workers
Throughout this period, I will as always be available on IRC to further discuss the proposal with members of the OpenMRS community so that I will be able to adjust or add things that I may have not thought of before.
I will be actively engaged in discussions with my mentor to further understand and agree on the scope and requirements of the project.
May 25 – August 28:
Development phase (to be broken down into detailed steps)