2016-10-06 Leadership Team Call

How to Join

Contact Jeff Neiman for more information on how to join the call.



Parking Lot Items

  • http://openmrs.org/about/support/1
  • Recurring current finances
  • Recurring fundraising
  • Recurring governance structure
  • Org Chart Review - https://goo.gl/dzKqsY1
  • Naming for the reference application (due to proposed changes) - under Strategic Goal#2
  • Review Communications Tools
  • OSCON 2017 Brainstorming (Dec 2015 Brainstorm for May 8-11, 2017)
  • Partnerships
  • Infrastructure Update (Quarterly - Jun, Sep, Dec) (Sep 8)
  • Fiscal Health
  • 501c3 (Sept 1)
  • budget
  • Strategic Goal Updates (every six weeks)
  • Strategic Goal #5 - Jan and Joaquin (Sept 1) - https://goo.gl/ezW39D
  • Strategic Goal #1 - Burke (Sept 8)
  • Review suggested community changes (need to find list MD made)
  • Roles of the Community Manager
  • Diversity Council
  • Gaps in process documentation
  • Ongoing Quarterly metric review of specific areas
    • who is contributing code
    • volunteer contributions
    • go through some of the numbers--and gather them before the TH and review them
    • consider looking at Bitergia

Notes: http://notes.openmrs.org/Leadership_Team_Call_2016-10-06

  • AOB
  • Review next meeting agenda
