How to Join
Contact Jamie Thomas for more information on how to join the call.
April 27, 2017
Present (where is everyone?)
- Fast Forward Accellerator Program- Jan/Jeff
- Notified that we were accepted into Round 2: Interview, waiting to schedule day/time for interview with Jan as the person who will represent OpenMRS
- Jeff following up with Jacob right now
- April Fundraising Email- Jeff
- Volunteer of the Month- ?
- Cintia nominated and awarded as VoM for May
- “which topic to cover with Advisory Council”
- How can we emphasize the specific needs for funding i.e. core, areas, applications, diseases
- Invite Hamish, specifically for the funding conversation
- Jeff will Send topics to Ben and Terry
- darius suggests creating a plain email WG to manage and coordinate the advisory council,
- Should we work on Talk or Email primarily? - Ask Ben to help set this up
- A group in Talk exists - Burke
- Most ppl in the AC aren't on Talk
- maybe should have mailing list for AC that LT can interact with
- Jeff will ensure we know of the email group/create one
- Bahmni and OpenMRS - @Darius
- Partnerships @Jan (deferred)
- BoD Membership Update- Paul
- Discussions have been had with candidates to determine interest, not to decide them
- Request from LT to work closely
Recurrent Topics
- Report on Fundraising Efforts - Jeff
- Budget/Expenses/ first Thursday
- Partnerships - third Thursday
- Infrastructure Update (Quarterly - Jun, Sep, Dec)
- Ongoing Quarterly metric review of specific areas