rHow to Join
Contact Jamie Thomas for more information on how to join the call.
August 3, 2017
stephen smith
- Call tomorrow with Malawi- post agenda to this
- When?Malawi Kick off meeting @ Fri Aug 4, 2017 9am - 10am ( US Eastern)
- Roles and responsibilities
- Introductions and Kick off( Paul, Christine and Maganizo).
- Malawi committe planning team: How many members are in the planning committe, what are their high level roles and share out contact infromation.(Malawi team).
- Schedule the weekly calls. (Malawi team).
- Conference dates. (Christine,Jeff , Jan,Terry and Malawi team).
- Conference venue: What is needed to start the booking process for this.(Malawi team).
- Conference theme(Malawi Team).
- Financing: What is needed to set up this?(Jeff, Paul, Terry and Malawi team).
- compiled resources into a complete document for future
- timeline of what needs to be done/when
- Malawi blog post (please read and lend thoughts!)
- potential for site visits - 2 to 4 hours away
- OMRS17 Dates ? Dec 11-15 ( can start on the 10th)
- will discuss dates with Malawi
- some discussion to push conference into February
- OpenMRS LT and a potential Bahmni meeting
- consistent timing of the meeting-- early December ( try to pick one and stick with it)
- How to plan an implementers conference ( can use for regional meetings also) - follow up with Lorinne also
- Add a section on "preferred conference dates"
- BOD Update- meeting last week ( notes still pending)
- lawyer can review the documents
- owe the BOD a review of the Bahmni critical path for the next 12 months
- need governance document for them to review
- replacement of the BoD member- Paul
- incubation process- identify people who may be interested in being a BOD member
- few other people that were identified
- share potential people's names with Paul/Jan
- conversations with Merrick Shaffer ( USAID); Benetech
- additional info to the Benetech person
- hopefully with a 60 day completion for the next person
- Infrastructure Needs- Burke/ Darius
- update on proposed plan - see notes in the above link for this
- spend money on doing this
- 120K through openMRS to support Bahmni and core development
- explicit direction from Path/Dial
- follow up with PATH for more details
- should have some funding for Bahmni to route through OpenMRS
- some funding in September
- kick start development from TW to non TW
- in kind commitment from partners to accelerate/extend the impact of the development staff
- consider similar for OpenMRS
- able to provide a multi-year commitment to core global goods
- complementary about the contribution to the BCG process
- want to provide some multi-year funding based on what Paul has heard
- what it takes to regularly support global goods for a x period of time
- create a total number that they want to support
- will 'shake the can' to try to get funding for this
- Fundraising Update-- Jan ( discuss her experience ) - Jeff
- Custom facebook fundraising button used on personal page
- put on facebook, linked to OpenMRS; put up her own button for x amount of time
- Appears to be a specific duration
- Results were $225 raised (Jeff is unsure where the funds are going)
- digital fundraising- almost 3000
Monthly Items
- Budget/Expenses/ first Thursday
- Partnerships- third Thursday
- plan meeting for the OMRS conference for the LT
Quarterly Update (link to the quarterly status spreadsheet?)
- Infrastructure Update (Quarterly - Jun, Sep, Dec)
- Ongoing Quarterly metric review of specific areas
Parking Lot Follow Up items
- Follow up re: Pathway to Improved Terminology Management for the OpenMRS Community - Jonathan Payne ( update) - deferred