2017-05-04 Leadership Team Call
2017-05-04 Leadership Team Call
- Tanya Khokhar
- Jeff Neiman
Owned by Tanya Khokhar
How to Join
Contact Jamie Thomas for more information on how to join the call.
May 4, 2017
- Fast Forward Accellerator Program- Jan/Jeff
- Requires a strict definition of a 'founder' to be present at each meeting in san francisco
- Volunteer of the Month- Cintia for last month ; will have this in process for next month
- Tech Update- burke
- updates ongoing
- OpenMRS as a global good- due May 5 -
- budget swag from 2017: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mnLuPmRW04erMdzQhLGJqM5DMeyVE4Tw-kudWLQRx8o/edit#- -put the estimate that you need here
- ci=onsider including 1,2, 6 and distribution providers
- Directions: use the template to provide a high level view of the budget needs.
- High level budget gap analysis
- Current total annual budget for software development (USD)% of current budget spent on core software development and support (vs. implementation-specific work)
- Current annual spend on core software development (calculated)
- Annual funding needed to fully support core software development for long-term growth (USD)
- Bahmni and OpenMRS - @Darius
- Advisory Council Update - Bahmni coalition presented asking for advice on OpenMRS participation- we didnt get specific feedback on how to participate
- focus was on should we participate during the conversation
- info about the BoD and the role wiht Bahmni
- we will need to figure out how we are participating and in what manner
- we have to notify the BoD - can let the BoD know that we are considering this option and sharing it with the BoD and getting feedback to that option
- TIming
- Darius posts to Talk ( Monday/Tuesday)
- we send information to the BoD about what we are discussing with the community
- gather feedback from the community
- represent to the LT call
- gather information from the LT call and develop/endorse a recommendation
- share that recommendation with the BoD and ask for their comments
- Making money for OpenMRS
- can we be our own organization with offerings and add indirects to our billing
- what are ways for us to develop a business model to move our work along
- is there a way to do evaluations/ assessments/ fill some gaps with our team that will allow us to sustain our organizations
- we can 'sell' ourselves or collbaorate with others
- core support offerings - dev shop, whether hired directly or within partner orgs
- what about filling the role that TW has been doing now that TW is scaling back
- can we talk to TW about picking up those implementation dev needs for those that they are not going to be supporting?
- implementer training? (not actual implementation)
- not being prime on implementation would be a goal -
- training local service providers to support an implementation would be in our purview
- thought leadership - how could we do this w/o competing against our dayjobs
- discussion about multiple needs
- e.g. appointment scheduling in the product
- need to figure out how to do this
- next steps- develop some business models
- few different models to explore what we could offer
- principle of agreeing to do things that do not hurt any other member of our community
- Budget/Expenses- pending from Theresa P
- Partnerships @Jan
- OSL Support (deferred)
- BoD Membership Update- Paul - no update today
Recurrent Topics
- Weekly
- Report on Fundraising Efforts - Jeff
- OMRS17 Locations
- Operational Plan Update
- Monthly Items
- Budget/Expenses/ first Thursday
- Partnerships - third Thursday
- Quarterly Update
- Infrastructure Update (Quarterly - Jun, Sep, Dec)
- Diversity Council
- Ongoing Quarterly metric review of specific areas
- who is contributing code
- volunteer contributions