2017-04-20 Leadership Team Call
2017-04-20 Leadership Team Call
- Tanya Khokhar
- Jeff Neiman
Owned by Tanya Khokhar
How to Join
Contact Jamie Thomas for more information on how to join the call.
- April 20, 2017Attendees:JeffAndyStephenMarkBillTerryDariusBurkeInformational
- Balance Sheet ( presented today as we did not have earlier)
- shared the current balance and P/L sheets
- Theresa will present on an upcoming call
- Fast Forward Accelerator Program - Jeff
- interview scheduled within the next week with Jan
- One founder required for each meeting (not necessarily the same founder).
- Town Halls- Schedule - Jeff
- will go to biannual updates
- looking to schedule the week of June 20th (tentative)
- will start with only one call
- invite BoD member to see if they can attend
- Update to BoD Quarterly report- posted today to talk
- Update on operational plan
- Update on OMRS Locations 17- Paul
- Fundraising
- World Malaria Day Email Campaign
Discussion- OpenMRS “public good” support
- what are our top prioritites
- PM, developer, documentation
- lacking 'terminology' which needs to be put more to the front
- no formal budget developed for CY 17
- Bahmni and OpenMRS
- monthly implementer meetups
- ideas/logistics
- Partnerships - Jan (Deferred)
- Strategic Goal #4 update ( terry)
Recurrent Topics- Bring up all talk threads about the Leadership Call
Weekly- Report on Fundraising Efforts - Jeff
- OMRS17 Locations
- Operational Plan Update
Monthly Items- Budget/Expenses/ first Thursday
- Partnerships - third Thursday
Quarterly Update- Infrastructure Update (Quarterly - Jun, Sep, Dec)
- Diversity Council
- Ongoing Quarterly metric review of specific areas
- who is contributing code
- volunteer contributions