2017-01-12 Leadership Team Call
2017-01-12 Leadership Team Call
Tanya Khokhar
Jeff Neiman
Owned by Tanya Khokhar
How to Join
Contact Jamie Thomas for more information on how to join the call.
- LT Call 2017-01-12AttendeedsBurkeDariusJanTerryJeffMarkBillAndyPaulHamishInformational
- Online Fundraising Strategy @Jeff
- Jeff's strategy doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1a3Uz67KM5cHLj18KpmuMJJn-xJQk4hM9_VDrLdDQcj0/edit
- asked for comments on the documents-- add edits
- how does this fix into the campaign and other focused attempts
- develop the 'process' of what are doing with fundraising and why
- Need to contextualize our procedures in the framework of a campaign. What worked/didn't work. What do we need to "end".
- Need to quickly update website now, removing end of year language and recrafting the new message
- Taking this down is easy but I haven't personally developed a strategy for what we replace it with - JN
- Add things like thermometer, automated thank yous, etc.
- I've found that Paypal can't do customized response emails. This has to be manually done. :( - JN
- It's Ok for responses to come from PayPal for the transaction AND a specific thank-you from OpenMRS. Donors like to be thanked.
- My only apprehension with Paypal is that it isn't really scalable for these 'thank-yous' simply because each one has to manually sent and manually typed
- Convert donors to recurring donors. Need to get these into Salesforce. Ensure thank yous but also how to build from existing to longer-term and larger donor support.
- look for donor /fundraising support options for the future
- fundraising call tomorrow
- When:
- Fri 1/13/2017 9:00 AM-10:00 AM
- Where:
- www.uberconference.com/miclcox or dial +1-716-293-8609; PIN 73278
- update on quarterly outcomes report- need people to review this to see if it is accurate- Terry
- goal #3 distributions update done, goal #5 service providers update done, goal 6.3 updates done
- update on annual report - Jeff
- please review comments and write ups
- draft done by the end of January
- ?fiscals in the report?- mock up of some of the information
Discussion- OpenMRS Implementers’ Meeting
- update on the after action report- still in process- goal is for 1/15 draft
- post on talk/ link to the agenda and where notes are on the wiki/ pictures/social media
- update on the article about the conference-defered to the Uganda team; goal is for 1/15 draft
- Have there been post conference fiscal summaries in the past?
- work with the Uganda team to get this information from them- Lorinne is following up with them
- paul will escalate as appropriate
- Expectation that transparency around finances is critical. Need final report.
- guidance for how we decide the location of the next 'implementers' meeting
- ( what factors do we look at/how do we go out and ask for potential sites?; factors could include xxx)
- proposed some factors - Paul will do this and then we can respond to it
- picture uploading from the conference
- Operational plan 2017
- where are we
- what guidance do we use to include something in the operational plan
- community involvement last year but died off
- identifying community leads/partnership leads to some specific work products that we identify
- join the leadership calls
- intersection with the operational plan
- targets for 2017
- separation between what we are commiting to doing with current resourcing
- current resouring including business as usual
- there is a list of other things that we know what we can do
- try to plug ways into those things that can be done by externals
- explicit between current resources and then what we would like to do
- optional/nice to have projects are explicitly identified and we ask for resources/people to help with these
- pulling people in
- finding partners to do the work and involve them in this
- Andela Partnership
- kick off call today
- mentoring Andela developers
- six month work on cohort builder project
- will have programmers phase in and out on the project over this six months to see if this will work
- start with 3 developers; each month phase in new ones; each developer on for three months
- work with SolDevelo and other mentoring
- need to sign pro bono contract for no money
- we should review this
Recurrent Topics• Search string to bring up the Talk threads for the LT callsfundraisingWeekly- Report on Fundraising Efforts @(Jeff)
- total collected
- 2,312.20 from 11 - no change from last week
Monthly Items- Budget/Expenses/ first Thursday
- Partnerships- third Thursday
Quarterly Update- Infrastructure Update (Quarterly - Jun, Sep, Dec)
- Diversity Council
- Ongoing Quarterly metric review of specific areas
- who is contributing code
- volunteer contributions
- consider looking at Bitergia
Parking Lot Items- Recurring governance structure
- OSCON 2017 Brainstorming (Dec 2015 Brainstorm for May 8-11, 2017)
- Strategic Goal Updates (every six weeks)- one each week/ ongoing
- Review suggested organizational/ community changes (need to find list MD made)
- Roles of the Community Manager
To Do:@Jeff to remove hoiday/end of year fundraising campaign banners@Jeff create new/generic donate banners@terry to do a post to Talk about the OpenMRS conference and the links to the notes/ after action report link@Jeff deliver OMRS photos
, multiple selections available,
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