2017-06-15 Leadership Team Call
2017-06-15 Leadership Team Call
Tanya Khokhar
Jeff Neiman
Owned by Tanya Khokhar
How to Join
Contact Jamie Thomas for more information on how to join the call.
- Agenda June 15, 2017Attendees:BillJanChrstineJeffDariusHamishTerryPaulMarkInformational
- Town Hall Meeting- tentatively scheduled for June 28 at 1 PM EDT- Jeff
- agenda items
- coordinator - jeff may be able to do this if need be
- Global Goods Update- Terry
- Boston Consulting Group Evaluation of OpenMRS for global goods ( funded by USAID) - Terry
- OpenMRS BoD - Update- Jan
- Meeting had to be canceled as is being reschedueld for early july - no date yet
- Bahmni update to be discussed below...
- OpenMRS operational report-- quarterly report
- Report due in 1 month
- Jeff/terry to start
Discussion- Bahmni Update- Darus/Jan
- BoD Update for Bahmni Fiscal Sponsorship- Jan
- 100% support from the BoD to have the OpenMRS assume the fiscal sponsorship role
- funder and quarantor and sponsor
- contractual relationships
- risks of not meeting contract responsibilities
- set expectations
- delivery side expectations
- value add
- community engagement
- business controls
- LT reaction to the support from the BoD
- how much does it cost to do the value add
- indirect rate may be arbitrary
- indirect cost recovery not direclty related to doing the work
- Four Minute Survey
- Darius will fill in for OpenMRS
- What role does the LT have in these decisions?
- Post to OpenMRS talk
- discussion within the LT
- OpenMRS BoD discussion and vote
- Back to the LT
- Post back to OpenMRS Talk about current status of the recommendation/LT support for the OpenMRS Inc recommendation
- Ask for input from the community and share how we got to where we are - Jan
- Advisory Committee
- proposed agenda items
- Bahmni-
- Global goods
- Distributions
- Fiscal Situation
- Where's the topic list?
- what about doing this one
- How much focus should we be giving Distributions? Should we continue to encourage more of them, bring them together to share code, etc?
- Bahmni
- eSaude
- KenyaEMR
- UgandaEMR
- Philippines CHITS
- Update on Summit - OMRS17 - Christine
- Hamish/Bill/Jeff Christine to help with the decisions- decide by June 23, 2017
- aiming for December
- Malawi (MOH)
- Swaziland (Lecturer in one of the universities)
- Kenya (MOH)
- Jan heard back from Haiti-- may be interested for this year
- OMRS16 After Action Review
- "Planning an OpenMRS Conference"
- Funding for Infrastructure- Burke ( on wards); Darius - reschedule for next week
- should we take OpenMRS money to fund this ( how much are we talking about?)
- how much do we need
- how do we fund it
- Fiscals
- update from the budget- Theresa Pritchard - pending
Weekly- Report on Fundraising Efforts @Andy
- Operational Plan Update
Monthly Items- Budget/Expenses/ first Thursday
- Partnerships- third Thursday
Quarterly Update- Infrastructure Update (Quarterly - Jun, Sep, Dec)
- Diversity Council
- Ongoing Quarterly metric review of specific areas
- who is contributing code
- volunteer contributions
- go through some of the numbers--and gather them before the TH and review them
Parking Lot Follow Up items- Follow up re: Pathway to Improved Terminology Management for the OpenMRS Community - Jonathan Payne ( update) - deferred
- Next steps:
- review google doc and engage on talk thread
, multiple selections available,