2017-05-25 Leadership Team Call
- Tanya Khokhar
- Jeff Neiman
Owned by Tanya Khokhar
How to Join
Contact Jamie Thomas for more information on how to join the call.
May 25, 2017
OpenMRS Leadership Team Meeting
Jon Payne
Mark Goodrich
- OSCON- Wyclif
- May 8-11
- 2 members of OpenMRS community attended
- Great venue/location
- Noticed a lower attendance compared to prior events
- Takeaways for OpenMRS
- Great developer turnout, but there is a great value in having technical implementers present (e.g. lots to learn about cloud services and hosting, performance turning of DBs, servers and other components)
- Structured conference style
- Met with a google GSoC rep and members from other GSoC mentoring orgs to share ideas and experiences
- Global Goods Submission done https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14wMiMvP7ZYl5_AKwSr8h27743_Z89r4Bnlj20cGL0VA/edit#gid=864082976
- PATH is currently compiling information sent from last week to send to Tim Wood at Gates
- Tech Update-- Burke/Darius
- No major update
- Bahmni Update- Darius ( if there is one)
- Next steps:
- BOD needs to discuss idea (2nd week of June)
- Jan to post followup/final post to community
- OpenMRS for open source disaster response platform- Terry, Jonathan, Burke (deferred)
- proposed involvement from Roger Maduro
- will participate in presentation at the VA
- in very early stages of discussion
- Discussion: Pathway to Improved Terminology Management for the OpenMRS Community - Jonathan Payne
- What does it mean for OCL/CIEL to provide a viable, reliable service to OpenMRS? What is free, what are services?
- Need a more reliable/sustainable way to manage the content (e.g. move away from "manage in OpenMRS 1.6, and do lots of exports/upgrades")
- Jon's question for the group: What does OpenMRS community want, as far as:
- tooling
- professional services
- content
- Next steps:
- review google doc and engage on talk thread
- Update on Summit Locations- OMRS17 - Christine
- Posted on Talk this week asking who is interested in hosting, gave a deadline of June 15 (for the full application submitted)
- No responses so far
- Will reach out directly to people who expressed interest to Paul at OMRS16
- Countries
- (mentioned by Paul) => Christine to reach out to these 4
- Kenya:Onesmus Kamau (omkamau@yahoo.com) or Steve Wanyee.
- Uganda: Eddie Mukoyo
- Malawi: Maganizo Monawe (mmonawe@gmail.com).
- Tanzania: Mturi Elias (emturi@gmail.com).
- (others)
- Nigeria? - Jan/Darius to follow up?
- Haiti => Jan to follow up with Craig A from ITECH / Mike, Mark, and Ellen from PIH?
- Ghana (has applied and selected (but cancelled late stage) in the past)
- Proposed idea to actively recruit and add previously interested countries to the list
- Reach out to them and 'coach' and encourage them to 'apply'
- To do:
- Include application in talk post
- Jeff to develop marketing package for website and social
- Publicize post in other ways
- Christine will reach out to paul's countries mentioned
- Jan/Darius will reach out to Nigeria and Haiti
- Followup on next week's call!
- partnerships / service providers / andela
- Jan & Darius met with Andela team:
- they are very happy about working with OpenMRS. We are "extremely responsive and very organized". Ha!
- current project will be sunsetting in the next 5-6? weeks
- they have used the model introduced with us with other groups
- want to start up a new contract, proposing:
- 4 developers per month (each would stay for 3 months, so 12 devs in the steady state)
- doesn't have to be an independent project (like Cohort Builder) but can be working on core priorities
- they also want to do marketing of their capabilities to OpenMRS implementers/consumers
- Jan: let's use this to kick-start the service provider program
- discuss in depth in next week's leadership call
Recurrent Topics
- Operational Plan 2017-- please update your spread sheet and indicate any potential pitfalls
- Bring up all talk threads about the Leadership Call
- All discussion among the Leadership team can be found via https://talk.openmrs.org/c/community/leadership
- Report on Fundraising Efforts @Andy
- OMRS17 Locations
- Operational Plan Update
Monthly Items
- Budget/Expenses/ first Thursday
- Partnerships- third Thursday
Quarterly Update
- Infrastructure Update (Quarterly - Jun, Sep, Dec)
- Diversity Council
- Ongoing Quarterly metric review of specific areas
- who is contributing code
- volunteer contributions
- go through some of the numbers--and gather them before the TH and review them