2017-05-11 Leadership Team Call
2017-05-11 Leadership Team Call
- Tanya Khokhar
- Jeff Neiman
Owned by Tanya Khokhar
How to Join
Contact Jamie Thomas for more information on how to join the call.
- 11 May 2017 Leadership Team CallAttendees:JanDariusAndyJeffBurkeHamishPaulDiscussion
- OpenMRS as a global good (DEADLINE #2 IS MAY 12)
- About 10 lines left to fill out.
- FYI Darius will review Bahmni's version of this doc today
- Jeff to followup with Terry tomorrow, and schedule a call for group work next week
- Tab 3 should be based off of tab 1 - Terry had a budget overview that we could work off of? Can Lorinne take the first stab at filling this out and then we can edit?
- Budget Swag document that informed tab 1 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mnLuPmRW04erMdzQhLGJqM5DMeyVE4Tw-kudWLQRx8o/edit
- Tabs 3-5 should be done early in the week with a subgroup - who will join?
- Terry and Jeff
- Darius
- (Paul and Jan are not available due to travel)
- Bahmni and OpenMRS
- Darius will post to Talk to get input from community
- Jan managing conversation with BoD
- Partnerships @Jan and @Darius
- Spoke with Andela
- Conversation requires revisiting some topics regarding reimbursement from OpenMRS
- Need a bit more education to Andela about how open source communities work - not paid/volunteer/in kind donations
- Darius/Jan to schedule call with Andela for follow up (2 weeks or so)
- Might be worth considering how this fits with our discussion last week about new ways to make money / payment for features needed could then be used to pay andela their small fee to learn on those features
Parking Lot- Making money for OpenMRS (Followup) (previous notes: https://notes.openmrs.org/2017-05-04-Leadership-Team-Call)
- need to figure out how to do this
- next steps- develop some business models
- few different models to explore what we could offer
- principle of agreeing to do things that do not hurt any other member of our community
- Budget/Expenses- pending from Theresa P
- OSL Support
- BoD Membership Update- Paul
Recurrent Topics- Weekly
- Report on Fundraising Efforts - Jeff
- OMRS17 Locations
- Operational Plan Update
- Monthly Items
- Budget/Expenses/ first Thursday
- Partnerships - third Thursday
- Quarterly Update
- Infrastructure Update (Quarterly - Jun, Sep, Dec)
- Diversity Council
- Ongoing Quarterly metric review of specific areas
- who is contributing code
- volunteer contributions