2017-02-23 Leadership Team Call
2017-02-23 Leadership Team Call
How to Join
Contact Jamie Thomas for more information on how to join the call.
- 2017-02-23 Leadership Team AgendaInformational
- OMRS16 Writeup
- Final edits made and sent for submission (pending)
- Board of Directors Meeting
- Annual Report Final Draft created
- Operational Plan
- Fast Forward Accelerator program application
- waiting on time commitment
- "Fast Forward’s accelerator program takes place in San Francisco, CA. If accepted, could at least one of the founders attend in person on July 6-7, July 19-20, August 2-3, August 16-17, August 30-31, September 13-14, and September 26 -27?"
- GCI Case Study Google Doc
Discussion- Upcoming conferences
- guidance for site selection-
- Paul posted to Talk, Bill started a Google Doc
- started to establish a backup plan if an implementing country isn't able to accomodate
- Terry suggested the next steps would be to post proposed criteria to Talk community for input
- christine wants to facilitate as the conference lead
- summit/ implementers conference
- focused on implementation and support
- side bars to discuss openMRS internal/leadership
- back up strategy would be for a summit if no implementers interest
- Leadership discussion from Talk
- new path forward ...
- community engagement on the topic of 'community governance'
- how could we organize ourselves in a way that fits better who we are
- is there some innovative ways for us to do this
- maybe ask if someone from the community would be willing to faciliate the conversation
- think about the role of the book club and when we use that list
Recurrent Topics- Bring up all talk threads about the Leadership Call
- All discussion among the Leadership team can be found via https://talk.openmrs.org/c/community/leadership
Weekly- Report on Fundraising Efforts
Monthly Items* Budget/Expenses/ first Thursday* Partnerships- third ThursdayQuarterly Update- Infrastructure Update (Quarterly - Jun, Sep, Dec)
- Diversity Council
- Ongoing Quarterly metric review of specific areas
- who is contributing code
- volunteer contributions
- go through some of the numbers--and gather them before the TH and review them
Parking Lot Items- Recurring governance structure
- OSCON 2017 Brainstorming (Dec 2015 Brainstorm for May 8-11, 2017)
- Strategic Goal Updates (every six weeks)- one each week/ ongoing
- Review suggested organizational/ community changes (need to find list MD made)
- Roles of the Community Manager
- Jeff Neiman re-submit OMRS16 Article to Roger
Paul Biondich change the incoroporation of the BoD documents to modify the board composition and share edited version
, multiple selections available,
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