2017-03-23 Leadership Team Call
2017-03-23 Leadership Team Call
How to Join
Contact Jamie Thomas for more information on how to join the call.
- Informational
- Release of the annual report- Jeff
- Coverage for Jamie- Terry
- Shirley Teter for PM; Burke /Jeff to cover calls
- GSOC student applications pen
- Tech update- Burke
- scrum of scrums- Darius?
- Fast Forward Update - Jeff
- Update on 'global good' discussion for OpenMRS- Jan/Paul/Terry
Discussion- BOD update- current status of BOD nominations- Paul
- GSOC on Talk
- New thread to announce or use existing thread?
- Budget comments from Talk Thread
- transparency
- how to display information in a better fashion
- update of the LT call minutes ( they werent linked on the WIKI)
- Partnerships @Jan
- (From Jakub) Moreover, going forward, I do not want to engage the development team before we agree about all the project details:
- - requirements/specifications/list of issues
- - client/end users
- - start/end dates
- - needed resources
- - our goals/expectations (mentions in social media, cases, recommendation letters, potential recompense).
- WIKI update
- how do we do this?
Recurrent Topics- Bring up all talk threads about the Leadership Call
- All discussion among the Leadership team can be found via https://talk.openmrs.org/c/community/leadership
Weekly- Report on Fundraising Efforts @Andy
- $2,321.61
- no change in past 30 days
Monthly Items- Budget/Expenses/ first Thursday
- Partnerships- third Thursday
Quarterly Update- Infrastructure Update (Quarterly - Jun, Sep, Dec)
- Diversity Council
- Ongoing Quarterly metric review of specific areas
- who is contributing code
- volunteer contributions
- go through some of the numbers--and gather them before the TH and review them
- consider looking at Bitergia
Parking Lot Items- Recurring governance structure
- OSCON 2017 Brainstorming (Dec 2015 Brainstorm for May 8-11, 2017)
- Strategic Goal Updates (every six weeks)- one each week/ ongoing
- Review suggested organizational/ community changes (need to find list MD made)
- Roles of the Community Manager