2017-06-01 Leadership Team Call
- Tanya Khokhar
- Jeff Neiman
Owned by Tanya Khokhar
How to Join
Contact Jamie Thomas for more information on how to join the call.
June 01, 2017
OpenMRS Leadership Team Meeting
- Operational Plan 2017-- please update your spread sheet and indicate any potential pitfalls
- Global Goods Update- Terry
- Boston Consulting Group Evaluation of OpenMRS for global goods ( funded by USAID)
- attempting to identify/ develop cost evaluation methodology
- COCOMO model
- Revenue based- grants to OpenMRS or implementing organizations/deployments
- FTE based
- number of full time employees in central organizations per year since inception
- rough salary averages
- OpenMRS Volunteer of the month update- Jeff
- repost to talk on May 30/repost to twitter
- Town Hall Meeting- tentatively scheduled for June 28 at 1 PM
- need agenda items and facilitator
- Jeff will put a 'hold the date' time on Talk and on the calendar
- OpenMRS BoD members- Paul / Jan
- BoD meeting scheduled for later
- will be about membership and Bahmni
- Bahmni and OpenMRS- Darius
- discussed what is noted in this document
- need legal advice through the BOD
- timeline - OpenMRS BOD
- LT commitment to pursuing this option
- Update on Summit - OMRS17 - Christine
- list of interested countries with direct outreach
- From Christine-- I reached to the four countries, ie Malawi, Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania.
- > I got a response from Kenya, who seem interested. I think I copied you in the email.
- > I also got one from Tanzania, in which they simply said they will get back to me.
- > I haven't gotten a response from Malawi and Uganda.
- application form developed
- ANDELA - DIscussion about partnerships / service providers- Jan/Darius
- want to start up a new contract, proposing:
- 4 developers per month (each would stay for 3 months, so 12 devs in the steady state)
- can be working on core priorities
- attach dollar amount to the contract - will sort out before end of the month
- put on BOD agenda
- marketing of their capabilities to OpenMRS implementers/consumers
- more prominantly featured as an OpenMRS partner
- would like broader products
- participation by presenting demos every two weeks-- should do project wrap up/final show case
- Fundraising Update
- SKOLL feedback
- what is the fundamental change that we want to see/want to be
- Mezzanine funding: http://www.investopedia.com/terms/m/mezzaninefinancing.asp
- who are we
- not just a tech company/software development
- benefit to be seen as mentoring/education for health care
- consider using a LT call to discuss this
- facilitated discussion around number of questions ( product, development, impact and outcomes)
- what is our scope
- what is our value
- health value/programmatic effect
- what is our benefit (health/human impact)
- how do we frame that social good
- software and the relationship of this to others (product)
- e.g.content management relationship to IMO
- level of productness
- what makes us disruptive (disruption)
- (capacity developement)
- (economic benefit) - a blend of capacity development, cost aversion, improved health
- scaling of solutions in Africa ( Hamish)- present on a LT call
- identified problems
- need to do this differently with guidance of how to do and how not to do
- effectively lead with OpenMRS
- what works and what doesnt
- lessons learned and identified pitfalls
- similar lessons- training, small number of sites and then scale; need to get it right
- OpenMRS web site update
- landing page for OpenMRS ( who do we want to portray on the web site)
- Web Site needs
- External communication
- Change that the community wants to see in the world
- How do we as a community affect that change
- Metrics of our success
- Examples of success
- How you (as the reader) can engage
- Tech developers need a site too
- Fiscals
- update from the budget- Theresa Pritchard ( no update today)
- OpenMRS mailing list-- needs to be curated (Jeff will do this if it is OK with people)
- Bring up all talk threads about the Leadership Call
- All discussion among the Leadership team can be found via https://talk.openmrs.org/c/community/leadership
BOD Agenda Items (June)
- OpenMRS Summit
- participation by BOD members
- Town Hall
- participation by BOD member ( s)
- Bamhni and OpenMRS
- Andela Update
- contractual relationship
- Fiscal Update
- Report on Fundraising Efforts @Andy
- Operational Plan Update
Monthly Items
- Budget/Expenses/ first Thursday
- Partnerships- third Thursday
Quarterly Update
- Infrastructure Update (Quarterly - Jun, Sep, Dec)
- Diversity Council
- Ongoing Quarterly metric review of specific areas
- who is contributing code
- volunteer contributions
- go through some of the numbers--and gather them before the TH and review them
Parking Lot Follow Up items
- Follow up re: Pathway to Improved Terminology Management for the OpenMRS Community - Jonathan Payne ( update) - deferred
- Next steps:
- review google doc and engage on talk thread