2017-03-30 Leadership Team Call
2017-03-30 Leadership Team Call
- Tanya Khokhar
- Jeff Neiman
Owned by Tanya Khokhar
How to Join
Contact Jamie Thomas for more information on how to join the call.
- March 30, 2017Present:JanTerryBurkeJeffBillSurangaHamishKaweesiInformational
- Annual Plan/report and Press Release- Jeff
- social media- tweeted/ facebook/ talk post/ press release
- document process -@jeff
- OMRS16 Writeup Published in OpenHealthNews- Jeff
- social media- posted to talk/tweet/facebook/
Discussion- Update on Infrastructure
- funded grant on JetStream
- IU was recipient; alternative to AWS
- position to be academic version of Amazon
- researchers to use their services - currently hosting on local IU servers
- will do as probono to support OpenMRS
- formal grant submission process ( burke submitted this)
- will provide us with 180K hardware
- Fundraising WIKI Page Update/ Budget Transparency
- Jeff has acquired 1/4 balance report
- Detailed list is currenlty in the works - new accounting firm transition causing delays
- How detailed should we be in our reporting?
- "If I were to give to OpenMRS, how are you going to use it?"- what are we going to use the money for
- Options:
- If you donate today, the individual donations are used to support x specific item +1(BL)
- if you donate today, the individual donations will be used to support expense areas that are critical to OpenMRS and include the following expense cateogories : +1(JF) +3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971 (BWM) ← Haha! I win!
- Infrastructure
- Operational Support
- Legal Fees/Service Fees ←
- Training/Education
- Meetings
- Scholarships and Travel Grants
- Use previous year expenses as an example of how we've typically used funds in the past
- we could also indicate that an individual can donate for a specific purpose
- Working google doc here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/173c5DQM-7lSYTdHZAVUmFaBBTyL_oo67-l8v2zHwqLA/edit
- Operational Plan timelines- terry
- review of the calendar/what is due in the next few weeks and update on these
- Strategic Goal Updates
- GSOC- suranga/burke
- Next steps?
- Burke applied for a OpenMRS Inc account for payment
- Kaweesi - remind the mentors to review the proposals
- OSCON- Terry
- OSCON awards scholarships through an application process
- OSCON seems to support OpenMRS scholarship applications
- Scholarship confirmation requests?
- Kaweesi submitted a scholarship application through Oreilly
- asking for supplemental support so that he can accept this scholarship
- If Kaweesi is provided a travel supplement, how do we discuss equal access to grants?
- For the past ten years we've strategically provided travel grants but due to limited funds, we haven't been able to provide open funds to everyone
- Next steps?
- Ask Kaweesi to apply for the travel supplement
- Future: to include public messages out to community regarding which programs we have grants for
- travel grant policy
- open it up for everyone to apply for this
- " we have a process available for people that have received an OSCON scholarship"
- Precedent that we have used money to support people to get to meetings
- Fast Forward Application- Jeff/Jan
- Deadline is Friday March 31, 2017 at 11:59pm PST
- Jeff to send reminder to leadership team
- @Burke - check email to verify AngelList profile to be verified as a co-founder of OpenMRS
- Publicity/Communications Update- Jeff
- Jeff working on Communcations Strategy/Calendar
- JetStream
- Develop strategy to acknowledge Jetstream for their donation/contributions to OpenMRS infrastructure
- Jetstream published a notice here: <http://racinfo.indiana.edu/>
Weekly- Report on Fundraising Efforts @Andy
- OMRS17 Locations
- Operational Plan Update
Monthly Items- Budget/Expenses/ first Thursday
- Partnerships- third Thursday
Quarterly Update- Infrastructure Update (Quarterly - Jun, Sep, Dec)
- Diversity Council
- Ongoing Quarterly metric review of specific areas
- who is contributing code
- volunteer contributions
- go through some of the numbers--and gather them before the TH and review them