2017-06-08 Leadership Team Call

2017-06-08 Leadership Team Call

How to Join

Contact Jamie Thomas for more information on how to join the call.


June 8, 2017
  • Tech Update- Burke
  • some stalll on JetStream ( ongoing configuration ) ; working with Cintia
  • better when we paid for infrastructure for their job
  • somethings starting to crack and suffer due to the lack of direct funding- discussion about funding for support - put on agenda for next week 
  • Operational Plan 2017-- please update your spread sheet and indicate any potential pitfalls- Terry
  • Global Goods Update- Terry ( no current update) 
  • Boston Consulting Group Evaluation of OpenMRS for global goods ( funded by USAID) - Terry ( in progress) 
  • OpenMRS Volunteer of the month update-  Jeff
  • three nominees 
  • actively pick someone for this month- auto role people to next month and put out the call for next month
  • Town Hall Meeting- tentatively scheduled for June 28 at 1 PM
  • need agenda items and facilitator-- anyone want to volunteer?? any agenda items 
  • Jeff will put a 'hold the date' time on Talk and on the calendar 
  • put blasts on social media 
  • proposed agenda items
  • Bamni
  • Global Goods Update
  • Health of the OpenMRS community 
  • OpenMRS BoD 
  • members- Paul / Jan
  • BoD meeting scheduled for later
  • will be about membership and Bahmni
  • Bahmni and OpenMRS- Darius
  • pending legal advice through the BOD
  • timeline - OpenMRS BOD
  • LT commitment to pursuing this option
Country X wants to do a large Bahmni deployment. They have a (local) Implementing Partner (who pitched the work and who is the main intermediary for communicating with MOH/etc). They also need "Bahmni" (i.e. a project under OpenMRS Inc) to build new core features, and we plan to subcontract this to some Dev Contractor.
  1. Implementing Partner works with Bahmni Coalition technical and product teams to evaluate the features/integration of this into Bahmni, LOE/timeline/fiscal impact is done.
  1. Bahmni Governing Committee approves the work and decides which Dev Contractor should do the work (or leaves this for an open competition process), then takes it to the OpenMRS Inc BOD.
  1. OpenMRS Inc BOD reviews and approves the work
  • Someone from the Bahmni project should be an OpenMRS Inc officer and thus able to propose this work to the OpenMRS BOD, and be the PI on the project.
  1. Upon agreement, OpenMRS initiates the ‘contract’ process for this work (on behalf of the Bahmni Coalition) with the Dev Contractor
  1. If not already identified by Bahmni GC, determine who is the Dev Contractor
  1. Development of the contract itself with specific deliverables 
  1. Signatories to the work are OpenMRS BoD as well as ??. PI should be someone representing Bahmni (as opposed to Paul or Terry).
  1. Fiscal allocation to the subcontractor
  1. Identified PM within OpenMRS/Bahmni Coalition 
  1. If delivery goes well, no problems.
  1. If Dev Contractor has difficulty with timing/delivery...
  1. OpenMRS PM identifies a problem with the delivery (time, scope, etc problem with deliverable)
  1. OpenMRS PM provides oversight and informs the Bahmni Coalition, as well as the OpenMRS BOD of these concerns 
  1. OpenMRS PM (with transparency to the BoD/Bahmni Coalition) can invoke x process to address this problem
  • e.g. Change in contractors
  1. OpenMRS LT has transparency into the Bahmni Coalition on a routine bases
  1. Possible to have this be a weekly LT agenda item 
(Similarly, there's a contracting process between OpenMRS Inc and Country X.)
Specific Questions
  1. Can OpenMRS BoD endorse OpenMRS Inc functioning as a fiscal sponsor?
  1. What indirect rate to use for OpenMRS Inc?
  1. What would be the process to determine the OpenMRS Inc contract language?
  1. What would be the need for legal contract review?
  1. Who would sign for OpenMRS Inc?
  1. What additional legal/accounting tracking will be needed?
  1. What changes will need to be made to have a billing/payment process in place that is more formal?
  1. What are the risks associated with this?
  1. What happens to the P/L and our budget flow sheet (are we allowed to still be as transparent? I [Terry] assume yes)
  1. Does funding through this mechanism have to go to a non-profit organization?
  1. What additional governance language is needed to support this process?
questions from Andy
Why does Bahmni group decide on the developer partner? Why can't OpenMRS (who has fiduciary responsibility) have primary hiring rights and manage that relationship?
  • => Bahmni group is closer to details of different orgs; this would (just) be a (strong) recommendation, made by those wearing Bahmni hats.
I would like to see how this "contracted" Bahmni work fits into OpenMRS oversight/governance
Such as what I proposed with the committee structure and strategic objective management
  • => alignment with OpenMRS strategic objectives is a nice-to-have, but not a requirement per se. E.g. a contract might be "add x/y/z features (to support inpatient usage at tertiary hospitals in country X)". (Bahmni needs some level of autonomy and self-determination in terms of setting its project roadmap, rather than necessarily adopting all OpenMRS mission and strategic objectives. If that's a blocker for OpenMRS engaging in this manner, we should talk!) AK> I don't think it works that way. We would create a new objective for the accepted Bahmni work. However, we WOULD be responsible for ensuring that objective was met. If we didn't think we could do that, then we shouldn't accept it. That's the part where OpenMRS has to step up to the additional responsibility of hosting the Bahmni implementation (or any implementation for that matter).
I have an issue with OpenMRS, Inc responsible for the deliverables but OpenMRS leadership/operations not directly responsible. I think an OpenMRS representative on the Bahmni Coalition governing body is not sufficient. I would recommend that OpenMRS leadership team must be overseeing and intervening in the Bahmni development BEFORE it gets off track. The Bahmni work coordinator could be added to the OpenMRS LT to specifically report on and communicate to the development team.
  • => What does this look like practically? Is it:
  • a PM (wearing an OpenMRS hat) tracks the work
  • PM gives weekly updates to LT as needed
  • AK> I think that I had invisioned this PM being more than just a PM and being an active voting member of the LT. They would have the ability to call out issues with the timelines/development and request resources or assistance from OpenMRS in general to "unstick" any problems (like a standup). They could even have other OpenMRS people working with them/under them in a committee-like format.  LT would have the power to intercede if things were going off track and help get it back on track since OpenMRS is legally responsible. (Does that make more sense?)
  • Update on Summit - OMRS17 - Christine
  • list of interested countries with direct outreacht
  • application form developed 
  • update from Christine ( Kenya, TZ, Malawi ( reached out this week)
  • committee of people to participate in the group to help with this
  • Hamish to follow up ; Jeff to help 
  • ANDELA - DIscussion about partnerships / service providers- Jan/Darius 
  • speaking on Wednesday 
  • Fundraising Update
  • no additional funds raised
  • World Malaria Day- launch for fundraising
  • follow up with Roger Maduro
  • Fiscals
  • update from the budget- Theresa Pritchard 
  • OpenMRS mailing list-- Jeff update
BOD Agenda Items (June) - proposed 
  • OpenMRS Summit 
  • participation by BOD members
  • Town Hall
  • participation by BOD member ( s) 
  • Bahmni and OpenMRS
  • Andela Update
  • contractual relationship
  • Fiscal Update
  • Report on Fundraising Efforts @Andy
  • Operational Plan Update
Monthly Items 
  • Budget/Expenses/ first Thursday
  • Partnerships- third Thursday 
Quarterly Update
  • Infrastructure Update (Quarterly - Jun, Sep, Dec)
  • Diversity Council
  • Ongoing Quarterly metric review of specific areas
  • who is contributing code
  • volunteer contributions
  • go through some of the numbers--and gather them before the TH and review them
Parking Lot Follow Up items
  • Follow up re:  Pathway to Improved Terminology Management for the OpenMRS Community - Jonathan Payne ( update) - deferred
  • Next steps:
  • review google doc and engage on talk thread


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