Open Concept Lab

Open Concept Lab

Documentation / How-To

Setup subscription

Before you can use the module (except for 'Import at server startup'), you need to setup a subscription.

You will need an account on the Open Concept Lab server, which you can create at https://app.openconceptlab.org/#/accounts/signup/

Next go to your profile page by clicking your username in the page header after you login and write down your API token, which can be found on the bottom left.

Now determine the collection URL or source URL you want to subscribe to.

Having the 2 values you can go to https://qa-refapp.openmrs.org/openmrs/owa/openconceptlab/index.html#/subscription and enter them.

By default you will be subscribed to released versions of collection or source you selected.

Click Subscribe and follow the next section.

Import from Open Concept Lab

After you setup a subscription, it is possible to initiate an import from the Open Concept Lab server at http://localhost:8080/openmrs/owa/openconceptlab/index.html#/

Click the "Import from subscription server" button and observe the progress.

The import is run in background, so you can leave the page and return at any later time to see the progress.

If it has completed you can find the import under "Previous imports". You can check the status. It may say all was ok or list any errors encountered. For a detailed view of errors, click on a date of the import.

Import from a file

If your server doesn't have an Internet connection and cannot access the Open Concept Lab server, you can upload a previously fetched file from the Open Concept Lab server.

Select the file from your computer and click "Import from file". It will initiate an import in background same as when importing from the Open Concept Lab server.

Import at server startup

The module supports importing a file at startup. It expects a zip file with an export.json file under %OPNEMRS_APPLICATION_DATA_DIR%/ocl/configuration/loadAtStartup.

The server will not startup until the import is completed.

After a successful import, the file is deleted.



Release Notes

Version 1.2.0

  1. Added support for collections

  2. Updated to the latest version of OCL API

  3. Added support for import at startup

  4. Added support for import from a file

  5. Added import without validation

  6. Added subscript to SNAPSHOT
