OCL <-> OpenMRS Mapping Reference

The purpose of this document is to document how data stored in OCL is mapped into OpenMRS by the openconceptlab module. This is intended to help implementers ensure that the data they store in OCL is compatible with OpenMRS.


Any source in OCL to be  imported into an OpenMRS instance should comply with the OpenMRS Validation Schema. This helps to ensure that the data in the source passes OpenMRS's validation rules.


Any collection in OCL to be  imported into an OpenMRS instance should comply with the OpenMRS Validation Schema. This helps to ensure that the data in the collection passes OpenMRS's validation rules.


  • All concepts must have the external_id field filled in with the OpenMRS UUID of the concept.

  • All concepts must have at least one fully specified name per supported locale and at least one name.

  • Each concept name should have its external_id field populated with the OpenMRS UUID for the concept name.

  • Each concept description should have its external_id populated with the OpenMRS UUID for the concept description.

  • The concept must have a concept data type and concept class.

  • The following properties must be in the extras elements for a concept to be imported; the required type is given in parentheses:

    • hi_absolute (number)

    • hi_critical (number)

    • hi_normal (number)

    • low_absolute (number)

    • low_critical (number)

    • low_normal (number)

    • units (string)

    • precise (boolean) — note that in more recent versions of OMRS, this corresponds to the allowDecimal property


  • All mappings should have an external_id field filled in with the OpenMRS UUID for the mapping

  • For all mappings of type "Q-AND-A" or "CONCEPT-SET" both the concept mapped from and the concept mapped to must be in the collection. For other mapping types, this is note required.

  • The mapping type of "Q-AND-A" results in the concept mapped to being treated as a concept answer for the concept mapped from.

  • The mapping type of "CONCEPT-SET" results in the concept mapped to being treated as a set member of the concept set made from the concept mapped from.

  • For "Q-AND-A" or "CONCEPT-SET", the sort_weight property can be specified by supplying a sort_weight property in the extras field of the mapping.

  • All mapping types other than "Q-AND-A" or "CONCEPT-SET" are translated as-is.