Community Development Leader
Our Community Engineering Co-Leads are:
The Community Development Leader is an individual responsible for ensuring OpenMRS Community developers, from newcomers to experienced developers, are happy and successful and that they're able to effectively and meaningfully contribute to OpenMRS development.
Dedication to the OpenMRS mission, vision, and values
Strong programming skills/experience relevant to OpenMRS programming
Good communication skills and ability to interact effectively with people from diverse cultures
Enough available, dedicated time to fulfill responsibilities
Chief advocate for developer experience
Developer Tools – the time it takes to get started
Continuous Integration – the confidence a developer has that her changes won't break things
Developer Documentation – access to a useful Developer Guide, API documentation, etc.
Developer Community Tools – ease of finding and communicating effectively with other devlepers
Cheerleading – how the developer & broader community knows about tickets closed, votes satisfied, and notable contributions
Overseeing the application of OpenMRS Developer Stages
Ensuring we always have an identified Release Manager for our Platform and Reference Application and that they are meeting community expectations
Defining and ensuring goals are met for community development
Response to pull requests
Response to bugs
Response to development-related Talk topics