Documentation Team

Documentation Team


The documentation team is a group of individuals passionate about accurately and efficiently representing ideas and solutions in written format for consumption by anyone within or outside the OpenMRS community. Our purpose is to ensure all OpenMRS products (Wiki, Website, GitBook) are well-documented with concise, updated information by sharing and implementing the best documentation practices.

Active Projects

Team and Squad Project Pages

Current Status:VERY ACTIVE

How does this project fit in with the strategy?

As a community-driven organization, it is essential that new and current members can access information on what each squad and team is working on. This led to the need to create wiki project pages that give an overview of ongoing projects. 

Our overall goal is to ensure that all community members are informed, up-to-date and aligned with the community happenings.

Current Project Pages:

Getting Started Guides

Current Status:ACTIVE

How does this project fit in with the strategy?

Getting started guides help new members understand how the community works, navigate through the extensive documentation, and identify their areas of expertise so they can contribute. 

How to Join

The Documentation Team is always welcoming new members in our efforts. Technical writers and communicators who can express complex information in a simple and understandable manner are  especially encouraged to join.

Interested individuals can attend our weekly meetings (excluding holidays) via UberConference on Thursdays at 10:30 pm IST | 8 pm Nairobi | 7 pm Cape Town | 5 pm UTC | 1 pm Boston | 10 am Seattle. New members can introduce themselves by stating their name, occupation, and how they would like to contribute improving OpenMRS' documentation.

For further information, please contact @grace nakiguli

How to Contribute

Available tasks can be found on the JIRA Board. 


Useful Team Resources

Talk: https://talk.openmrs.org/ 

Documentation Team Slack Channel (#docs): https://app.slack.com/client/T03U4PGDY/C02BF27V85C 

Jira Board: https://issues.openmrs.org/projects/ONBOARDING/issues/ONBOARDING-7?filter=allopenissues 

Documentation Team Meeting Notes

OpenMRS GitHub: https://github.com/openmrs

Collaboration Opportunities Dashboard: https://openmrs.atlassian.net/wiki/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=21552555 

OpenMRS YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/OpenMRSorg/videos


Meet the Team

Jennifer Antilla - @jennifer Director of Community

Grace Potma - @grace Director of Product

Grace Nakiguli - @gracebish

Bret Studer - @bstuder99 Technical Writer

Kaylin Bracey - @kaylinbracey Technical Writer

Christine Gichuki - @christine QA Technical Project Manager

Hadijah Kyampeire - @hadijah315 Software Engineer

Daniel Kayiwa - @dkayiwa 

Edwin Jomo - @eddjomo 

Juliet Wamalwa - @jwnasambu 

Kakumirizi Daud - @kdaud 


OpenMRS Meetings @ UberConference

OpenMRS Meetings @ UberConference

Audio, Chat, & Screen Sharing (latest Chrome, Firefox, Safari, or other WebRTC-compatible browser)

Audio Only (Telephone or your favorite VoIP client)

Be Prepared for Your Meeting

Be Considerate of Others

  • Please be on time for your meeting, and end on time.

  • The conference line is a shared resource for our community's use in our open source projects. Please do not use it for third-party or personal meetings.

  • Be sure to confirm (and add) your meeting time on the Community Meeting Calendar to ensure others aren't using the service at the same time.

  • Please don't schedule meetings "back to back". Allow time for one meeting to wrap up before the next meeting begins.


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