Adding a new Version for a Collection

Adding a new Version for a Collection

Adding a new Version for a Collection

  • Click on "+ Add Version" in your concept collection.

    • Add Version ID: Enter the next sequential version number (e.g., start with 1 for your first version and then move sequentially to 2, 3, etc for the subsequent versions).

    • Description: Provide a brief description of what this version adds or changes (e.g., "Added Socio Demographic Concepts").

    • Release: Check "Release" (by default this is unchecked)

    • Create: Click "Create" to finalize the new version.

Verification: Refresh the page to check if the version and expansions match your input.

1. Search the "Transfer requested by" concept in OCL and add it to your collection.

2. Filter Results

3. Use CIEL Source

4. Check "Transfer requested by" concept

5. Add the concept to Collection.

6. We are going to use "DRCHIC2024" as our collection

7. Click on "DRCHIV2024" collection.

8. Apply OpenMRS-compatible cascade

9. Click on ADD.

10. Results showing the concepts and mappings added to the "DRCHIV2024" collection.

11. Search another concept "Reason for patient transfer" using the global search.

12. Add to Collection (DRCHIV24).

13. Click on DRCHIV2024.

14. Apply OpenMRS-compatible cascade.

15. Click on ADD.

16. Results showing the concepts and mappings added to the "DRCHIV2024" collection.

17. Click on CLOSE.

18. Confirm that the concepts you added can be found in your collection.

19. Check on

20. Type "162720"

21. Click on Versions & Expansions.

22. Check the previous version number (in this case 18).

23. Click on Manage Content.

24. Click on Add Version

25. Let's create version "19" for our collection.

26. Add the description e.g., "Added transfer details concepts. "

27. Check Release (by default this is unchecked).

28. Click on CREATE to finalize the new version.

29. Wait for a few minutes and then refresh the page to check if the version and expansions match your input.

Autoexpand-19 has 1035 Concepts and Mappings 4662.

30. Autoexpand-HEAD also has 1035 Concepts and Mappings 4662 and they are matching.