PIH EMR COVID-19 Inpatient Care


This is the patient workflow as they are admitted to a health facility:

This is designed for Tablet or PC.  Tested with Chrome browser and Samsung Tab A 8.



Login with one of 2 COVID locations: 

  • COVID-19 Isolation (for patients awaiting test confirmation)

  • COVID-19 Infectious Disease Unit (UMI)



Patient registration

For new patients, there is minimal data collected during registration which should simplify and ease tablet entry.  These are collected:

  • Name

  • Gender

  • Birthdate (or estimated)

  • Home address

  • Phone number

Additional details can be entered later using the registration dashboard (ie. Contact information, Mother's name, religion, marital status, insurance, occupation, etc).


Video:  COVID-19 Admission form (mp4)





These forms are available for COVID-19 patients:

  • COVID-19 Admission 

  • COVID-19 Daily Progress

  • COVID-19 Discharge

  • Check in

  • Record vitals

  • Lab results

  • Order x-ray, ct scan, or ultrasound

Note:  We are adding logic for sensible data entry, but that's not complete.  For example,

  • only one admission per visit

  • Daily progress only after an admission form

  • only one discharge per visit

All the forms are on github and installed with with PIH EMR for Haiti configuration:

When possible, htmlforms use CIEL mappings for concepts, but there are a few PIH mappings on the COVID forms.

Corresponding PIH COVID-19 paper form are available in English (from June 2020).  French versions are also available.

Program enrollment and outcomes

Patients can be enrolled in the COVID-19 program and with outcomes of completed, transferred, lost to followup, and died.

Step 1: Enrollment

Step 2: Complete program

Step 1: Enrollment

Step 2: Complete program

Patients are automatically enrolled with a completed COVID-19 Admission or Daily progress note. The date of the patient visit is used for the enrollment date.

Patients can also be enrolled with this:

Program enrollment can be viewed, modified, or deleted.

Complete program with date and outcome

Outcomes:  Completed, Transferred, LTF, Died


Reports and data exports

Home page app

Step 1

Step 2

Home page app

Step 1

Step 2


These forms are translated into English and French.




Daily Progress
