2014-07-03 Developers Forum

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OpenMRS Developers Forum 2014-07-03
Recording: http://goo.gl/S00N1a (audio/MP3) https://connect.iu.edu/p84315iv8c8/ (video/Adobe Flash)


  • Michael Downey

  • Chris Power

  • Burke Mamlin

  • Elliott Williams

  • Ryan Yates

  • Karl Wurst

  • Vencik

  • Lukas B.

  • Rafal Korytkowski

  • Daniel Kayiwa

  • Tim Nicholson

  • Willa

  • Alexis Duque

  • Nyoman Ribeka

  • Suranga K.

  • Darius Jazayeri

Agenda & Notes

  • Review last week TODOs - https://openmrs.atlassian.net/wiki/display/RES/2014-06-26+Developers+Forum

    • DONE: Elliott to draft a proposed set of Javascript conventions for others to review, and incorporate - https://openmrs.atlassian.net/wiki/x/GwZYAQ

    • DONE: Rafal to write down the steps for the infrastructure team to set up sonar on new ci server (like was previously on ci-stg) - (in progress/done?)

    • THIS WEEK: Rafal to add a link on our Code Conventions page to some helpview of the rules that Sonar applies

    • TODO: Darius to write a short code snippet in the Code Style page showing what nice code looks like

    • TODO: Wyclif confirm we have documented (or else document) that liquibase changesets should include comment and precondition; also specify how/if changeset comments should refer to ticket numbers, how changesets should be broken up into multiple changesets rather than lots of changes in one set.

    • TODO: "Someone" ought to Create one or more pages under our Conventions wiki page about UI Framework-related development (e.g. GSP conventions)

  • Hi Tim!

  • Hackathon Planning (Chris Power)

    • Previous discussion on Talk: https://talk.openmrs.org/t/lets-plan-a-mid-year-developer-event/108?u=michael

    • Previous discussion on dev@: https://groups.google.com/a/openmrs.org/d/topic/dev/EwwM_mr4LfE/discussion

    • OpenMRS "prides itself" (?) on having hackathons to meet face to face, build relationships, and get some quality work done.

    • It's been a long time since we've had a hackathon outside an OpenMRS conference. 

    • Do we plan on having one with OMRS14?

      • Yes. The event will be in late 2014. (We're currently finalizing dates and venues.)

      • Keep doing hackathons alongside events for a couple days.

      • Think about how to include people that can't attend OMRS14, how would that work?

    • Do we want to have one before then?

      • Implicit yes. We used to have them more frequently and have always had good experiences when doing so.

      • We can use these other events to "test the waters" of how we can use hackathons as a tool.

    • What makes a good event?

      • See Burke's comments on SDK & removable media in dev@ thread above.

      • Having them regularly -- they should be part of our "toolbox" alongside sprints, etc. as an effective way to get work done.

      • Doing work in parallel to see multiple solution ideas against a shared problem.

      • Open question: Does "remote participation" in a hackathon work? Maybe we can try some experimentation.

      • Some factors to consider:

        • Pre-hackathon planning/prep

          • Picking the topic/theme/target/method

            • Competition to do X

            • Something-a-thon, where everybody works on the same problems together

            • Educational (a task that everyone can learn to do)

          • Having a "package" with everything needed to participate (readme, SDK, any other files) on USB & downloadable(on site ftp server?)

          • Having an introductory presentation ready

            • Background, technical details

        • Communication medium

          • IRC probably friendlier

        • Coach to participant ratio

          • Coach or more senior/experienced dev? Be careful not to focus too much on training if the planned outcome is delivering software.

          • Somewhere between 4:1 to 12:1

      • Plone holds their hackathons as "sprints" - https://plone.org/events/sprints/whatis - 1 day to 1 week

        • Consider short sprint with paired programming

    • Potential topics

      • OpenMRS 2.1 release hackathon - August-ish? ?

      • SDK Hackathon (get SDK working with OMRS 2.0)

      • API & web service hackathon ?

        • Creating tools to use the web service

        • Improve our REST API self-documentation

        • Improve experience for people first coming to REST web service

      • Connect-a-thon? (Interoperability with various other tools/software, might require other projects' participation)

      • Sonarqube issues ?

        • start with most critical & easier to address

        • divide & conquer

      • Memory or other performance issues ??

      • Making OMRS 2.0 Apps?

      • Make OMRS easier to upgrade ???

        • How to upgrade massive database

      • Hackatestathon (or UI Tests) ???

      • Documentathon (e.g., improve wiki info about OMRS 2.0)

      • Creating new intro tickets

      • Create an app that would benefit aliens arriving at earth and needing an EMR -?

        • For example, create a "probe" app

      • Make 1.x modules work in 2.x ????

        • Points based on number of downloads of module

    • How long is the ideal event?

      • 2 days? 1 week? 1 month? :)

        • Burke's opinion: 2-3 days.  1 day is too short, beyond 72 hours dilutes attention.  One key ingredient is having people's focus.

        • MD: Competetions should be shorter (2-3 days) since intensity is higher. In-person "Sprints" (like Plone) can be up to 1 week because they're less rushed.

        • Consider 1-2 week pre-hackathon intro, so people can hit the ground running and potentially even start hacking before the event.

    • Action Items For the Hackathon

      • Infrastructure

        • Internet (Maven Repository, GitHub, etc.)

        • Application Requirements prior to the event

        • Flash drives with the SDK

        • A working SDK

      • Trophies/award (bring super glue)

        • OMRS mug, t-shirts, etc.

        • Consider 1st, 2nd, 3rd place prizes

        • tchotchke for everyone (thanks, Karl!)

      • Line up OpenMRS knowledge experts

      • Venue (recruit Plone's prince contributor with a castle)

  • Agenda for Next Week

  • OSCON 20-24 July - who's attending?

    • Michael Downey

    • Paul Biondich

  • After Action Review

    • What did we expect to happen?

    • What actually happened?

    • What can we do different?

  • Next Week Agenda

    • TBD

    • 24 July - Canceled due to OSCON (??)



  • Audio recording of the call: Listen online or download (available after the meeting)