2011-07-14 Leadership Conference Call

2011-07-14 Leadership Conference Call


14 July 2011

How To Join

Contact @Dawn Seymour for more information on how to join the call.

In Attendance

Darius Jazayeri
Burke Mamlin
Chris Seebregts
Dawn Smith
Ben Wolfe



Topic Leader(s)





Topic Leader(s)




OpenMRS Implementers Meeting

@Dawn Seymour

20 min

Annual Meeting

Purpose: Updates on days of the conference, site visits, visas, venues, etc.

Board Member Updates

@Paul Biondich

10 min


Purpose: Summarize call with John Lilly



  • Site visits and dates:

    • Three days for the conference and one day for the site visits. It would be best to do have people go to multiple sites at the end of the day Wednesday or Thursday and allot time on Friday to to discuss what they saw at each implementation site.

  • Hackathon

    • 3 to 4 days before the conference. KIST is willing to let us utilise their space. Good internet and two rooms. Find a way to have time for training and hacking.

Board Member Updates:

  • Paul spoke with John Lilly, and he is willing to refer us to various leaders in open source as a potential board member for the NGO

  • Waiting on IU to move the NGO forward. Meeting on 25 July for this

Weekly Meetings:

  • These will start in September. GSoC presentations go until the end of August (25th), so instead of stacking 3hrs of calls, we'll do a 1hr community call and 1hr dev call starting 1 September 2011.

apologies for the notes. I was locked out and had to recall the conversation