2011-02-17 Leadership Conference Call


17 February 2011

How To Join

Contact @Dawn Seymour for more information on how to join the call.

In Attendance

Paul Biondich
Darius Jazayeri
Andy Kanter
Dawn Smith
Ben Wolfe


Top 10 Features - Overview of the Updated List (10 min)

Meeting Updates (30 min)

  • Boston Leadership Meeting

  • West Africa Meeting in Nigeria

  • South East Asia Meeting

Meeting Minutes

Top 10 Features

  • Trying to elicit more responses from the community

  • Send out list to developer mailing list and see what happens from there

    • Dawn and Paul will revise list to categorize recommended/requested features

  • In the future look past features and ask the community what they want to do with OpenMRS

Meeting Updates

  • West Africa Meeting

    • Dawn is speaking with individuals in the West Africa region about their needs/wants of the meeting and their possible contributions

  • South East Asia

    • Initial planning stages. First meeting to occur before Boston leadership meeting