2011-06-16 Leadership Conference Call


16 June 2011

How To Join

Contact @Dawn Seymour for more information on how to join the call.

In Attendance

Paul Biondich
Darius Jazayeri
Andy Kanter
Burke Mamlin
Chris Seebregts
Dawn Smith
Ben Wolfe



Topic Leader(s)




Topic Leader(s)



SMart Update

@Dawn Seymour and @Paul Biondich



OpenMRS Meetings

@Dawn Seymour


Weekly Meetings

NGO Board of Directors

@Dawn Seymour and @Paul Biondich

20 min


Update on Calls

@Dawn Seymour


OpenMRS Weekly Calls


SHARP Update

  • Paul: SHARP is grating mechanism that allows SMART to occur

    • SMART platforms is project out of Boston

    • SMART is trying to build consistent clinical applications across EMR

      • Create container inside something like OpenMRS, and they want to work with us

      • SMART have a GSoC slot, and now they want to engage OpenMRS more deliberately

  • Goals:

    • Have developers connect with Hui, GSoC student, Josh and Nikolai

    • GSoC project will lay the framework

    • At a later point (possibly August), schedule a sprint to fine tune the project

    • Create a SMART app that can work inside OpenMRS

OpenMRS Meetings

  • Dawn is finalizing the costs for Monkey Valley and Kigali

  • The cost comparison between the two will be reviewed and voted on next Thursday (23 June)

  • Looking to host conference one of the first weeks of October based on conferences and past participant feedback

Board of Directors

  • Paul: Call coming up with John Lilly to discuss his interest and capabilities.

    • Lilly helped immensely with Mozilla: open source, community building, business savvy, outside perspective of OpenMRS

Update on Calls

  • Dawn worked with Chris and Hamish to find a date/time for the Community Call. This will start in August

  • Dawn can put the calls the calendar