2019 Strategy and Operations Pre-Meeting

Note: This is a draft schedule. For any of the topics, please add any sub-topics and/or questions to the table below.



Discussion Questions

Tuesday, December 3, 2019: Strategy and Operations 

Location: Conference Room #3, https://uberconference.com/openmrs

Notes: https://notes.openmrs.org/2019-12-03-Strategy-and-Operations-Call


Overview Session/Getting Started






Where are we now?

  • What were our key accomplishments in 2019?

  • What challenges did we encounter?

  • What are our current and anticipated awards?

  • What is the current status of our investment?

  • What does our spending look like? 


  • Community Status


  • Progress + Highlights


  • Challenges


  • Fiscal Status






  • Spending Trends 





Current Trends 

  • What changes are we seeing in the ecosystem?

  • What are the implications of these changes for implementations? For the community?

  • What challenges do we anticipate?


  • Ecosystem


  • Funding + Sustainability


  • Implications 





Priorities for 2020

  • What priorities do countries + implementations have for the coming year?

  • Do our objectives reflect these priorities? Do we need to adjust our objectives for the upcoming year?

  • What resources and assets exist that can be used to help us achieve our objectives?

  • Where can our combined resources and assets be used best?


  • Technology


  • Capacity


  • Community


  • Partnerships

11:45 - 12:00

Review: Key Points and Actions

What comes next?



Wednesday, December 4, 2019: Birds of a Feather

Notes: https://notes.openmrs.org/2019-12-04-Strategy-and-Operations-Call


OpenMRS Community at Scale

  • What values and practices have served us well as a community? 

  • As we scale, how can we organize ourselves to maximize our combined resources and assets?

  • What does it mean to be accountable? How do we hold people accountable?


  • Mission, vision, values


  • Committees, Teams, and Squads


  • Ownership


  • Accountability





Contributing Organizations



  • Strategies for contributing back



  • Measuring + recognizing organizations’ contributions



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