Software Security Leader (OPEN)

Software Security Leader (OPEN)



The Software Security Leader is an individual responsible for ensuring OpenMRS Community-supported software is secure by determining security requirements; overseeing planning, implementing, and testing of security; defining community security policies & conventions; and, mentoring community developers in security best practices.


  • Dedication to OpenMRS mission, vision, and values

  • Detailed technical knowledge of techniques, standards, and state-of-the-art approaches to security vulnerabilities and remediation

  • Strong skills and experience in software security best practices, including Java and JavaScript

  • Good communication skills and ability to work well with people of different cultures

  • Enough available, dedicated time to fulfill responsibilities


  • Software Security

    • Define policies for handling security issues within the OpenMRS Developer Community

    • Oversee community volunteers in planning, implementing, and testing of security

    • Contribute to all levels of the architecture (e.g., Core API, Platform, Reference Application, and Modules)

  • Advocating security best practices and finding ways to promote these through community culture and tooling

    • Including security tips in documentation

    • Getting developers thinking about security during sprints

    • Embedding best practices in SDK and reference software

    • Promoting strong security practices in OpenMRS APIs & software libraries

  • Mentoring community developers in security best practices and organizing volunteers interested in helping with security-related issues

  • Develop familiarity on new tools and best practices

  • Reporting on security status to the community and to other leaders within the community

  • Defining goals for security

    • Appropriate logging and notification of security issues

    • Response time to security issues

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