2011-09-08 Leadership Conference Call


8 September 2011

How To Join

Contact @Paul Biondich for more information on how to join the call.

In Attendance

Paul Biondich
Andy Kanter
Darius Jazayeri
Burke Mamlin
Chris Seebregts
Dawn Smith
Ben Wolfe


Meeting Minutes

  • eHealth Meetings

    • Paul-time to look into expanding the leadership group and having regional leadership who can represent OpenMRS at conference around the world

  • BoD Updates

    • Mitchell Baker is still reaching out independently to learn more about OpenMRS. May be interested in representing open source expertise on the board

  • NGO Updates

    • Paul & Burke have had meetings with IU about how their interaction will relate to the new organization once it's established

    • IU will be a supported organization

    • Andy-for Columbia, you have to site in published articles your relation to the project