Operation Theater Module Workflow Enhancements
2015 GSoC Project Idea
This project is being considered as a potential project for Google Summer of Code 2015. If you are a potential intern and are interested in working on this project, please discuss it in detail with the mentor(s) listed here before submitting your internship proposal.
Primary mentor | @Harsha Kumara |
Backup mentor | TBA |
GSoC student | TBD |
Managing and scheduling Operation Theater (OT) activities are critical tasks in a hospital. OT scheduling is one of most critical task in managing a OT in a hospital. When patient going through a surgery, he usually go through pre, in and post theater activities which is similar to a workflow. During the previous GSoC, the scheduling of a operation theater is implemented up to greater extent with the basic workflow functions of patient workflow. During this project, the task is to complete the end to end operation theater activities. During past GSoC project it mainly focused on operation theater schedule plus some workflow functions. During this summer the main goal is to complete the workflow data capturing part along with scheduling to complete the OT module.
Study on existing OT module functionality and go through the existing resources in previous GSOC page
Learn basics of Git if you are not familiar with it
Go through the OT module and set it up (This task will be tricky as there are version conflicts of dependencies between the OpenMRS Reference Application and OpenMRS Platform)
Very first target is to migrate the module to newest OpenMRS 2.x
Identify the pre-theater activities and design appropriate user interface mockups .
Identify the in-theater activities and design appropriate user interface mockups .
Identify the post-theater activities and design appropriate user interface mockups .
Implement the required user interfaces on top of reference application which is OpenMRS 2.x
Write UI tests to very the scenarios
Extra Credit
Marketing video on completed project would be big plus one to get the attention of implementers
Previous Project wiki: Operation Theater Module
Code base: https://github.com/lbat/openmrs-module-operationtheater