2010-10-14 Leadership Conference Call
14 October 2010
How To Join
Contact @Paul Biondich for more information on how to join the call.
In Attendance
Paul Biondich
Hamish Fraser
Darius Jazayeri
Andy Kanter
Burke Mamlin
Dawn Smith
Ben Wolfe
Certification Process (15 min)
Developers, implementers, service organizations
OpenMRS Trainings (15 min)
Will we charge fees for trainings and/or sending someone to a conference?
USAID (15 min)
Agency for International Development: Information and Communication Technology Training for Developing Country
Professionals (ICT- T4D) Project
OpenMRS Board of Directors (15 min)
Discussion around Paul and Hamish's strawman
Meeting Minutes
Certification Process
Requests have been made by individuals and nonprofit, OpenMRS-implementing organizations to find a way to validate their ability to be effective in
Two dimensions to consider:
Individuals and/or organizations can show clients they are certified in the utilization and implementation of OpenMRS software
When training or consultant opportunities are presented to OpenMRS, we can direct requests to certified organizations in that same geographical location
Certifications are a great idea
One consideration is to make the certification based on practical matters, not merely a written test
A test does not speak to people who are great implementers
Certifications and trainings for certifications should be done in person as much as possible
Different levels of certifications
i.e. groups who support OpenMRS system to implement it vs. an OpenMRS basic knowledge test
Have proficiencies for organizations so everyone with the certification or those reviewing the certification understand the elements behind it
Think about a good place to start this process beyond this discussion
Consider having certified trainers as well
Make sure the certifications clearly outline:
the requirements for the certification
what the certificate means (listing competencies)
Dawn will research how other open source organizations have developed certifications
OpenMRS Trainings
What amount of financial coverage (i.e. pay for providing training, travel expenses, accommodations, etc.) should be provided to send individuals to trainings, conferences, etc?
Take an average cost of the one-week work period and compile it into a daily fee that corresponds to the days of the conference.
This could be dependent on the type of training: who is giving the training and what the training consists of
Dawn will check open source projects who do this and compile it for a reference
Discussed RFA that is out now
Thoughts about funding and OpenMRS
Changes in what government agencies are looking to pay for
Think about how we take on larger, collaborative projects and the funding opportunities
OpenMRS Board of Directors
Finalized letter to send out to nominees from the Implementers Nomination
Dawn will send the letters and start getting an announcement together for the voting process