2010-09-30 Leadership Conference Call

2010-09-30 Leadership Conference Call


30 September 2010

How To Join

Contact @Paul Biondich for more information on how to join the call.

In Attendance


HISP India: Training Updates (10 min)

  • Advanced regional training is needed

  • Solutions:

    • Find out specifically what training the group needs

    • Possible virtual training

      • Focus on building the most critical elements that will contribute to the entire system

  • ACTION ITEM: Hamish will speak with Sundeep to find out the needs of the group

"Bug Fixing Sprint": Methods and Resources to Fix Bugs in Existing Releases (15 min)

  • Previously discussed ideas:

    • Create JIRA dashboards to highlight highest-voted bugs that affect our existing releases

    • Set aside time for a two-week block to have core development work on the bug fixes instead of focusing on new features

    • Volunteer support

    • Future QA/QC team

  • Solutions:

    • Create a list of the bugs for people to vote on in terms of priority

    • Have a list of core developers who will work on the bug fixes instead of features

Board Nominations and Elections (15 min)