2010-07-22 Leadership Conference Call


22 July 2010

How To Join

Contact Paul Biondich for more information on how to join the call.

In Attendance

  • Paul Biondich

  • Hamish Fraser

  • Darius Jazayeri

  • Burke Mamlin

  • Andy Kanter

  • Chris Seebregts

  • Dawn Smith

  • Ben Wolfe


  • Mobile Systems Update (20 minutes)

  • Discussion of Board Members for the OpenMRS NGO (30 minutes)

    • How many board members shall serve at one time?

    • What will be the length of the terms?

    • Review and discuss potential members

Meeting Minutes

  • Mobile Systems Update

    • Research why larger projects may not have chosen to use OpenMRS for this piece

      • One barrier: API

        • People experienced trouble getting to API

        • Solutions:

          • Wrap it and allow people to get to it

          • Make core API available

          • Increase the ease of documentation on the website

          • We have it on the road map to complete these services

    • Next Step: more will develop from discussion at Greentree this week

  • Board of Directors for the Nonprofit Organization

    • Discussed the purpose of the Board of Directors:

      • Provide oversight to leadership, strategic direction

    • Defined minimum (5) and maximum (9)of individuals who can serve at one time on the Board of Directors

    • Individuals of the Board of Directors will represent:

      • Implementer Community

      • International Community

      • Open Source Community

      • Fundraising Community

      • Health Informatics Community

    • Next Step: compile a list of leaders who qualify for these roles